Live Your Best Life By Contributing Joy to Others

Not long ago, a park in our town was cleared of "vagrants" due to high levels of illegal drug use, sales and physical infractions. Cleaning up parks is generally a good idea, but our economy stacks the deck against most of the people who were using this particular park. They were there because they are homeless, many disabled, many mentally ill and others veterans who are not being provided for by the government they served.

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Not all of them are pushing or using drugs. Is drug use a widespread problem in the homeless community? Yes. But it is also a problem in wealthy communities and middle-class communities. This park offered some protection from the weather for the folks who couldn't get into the overnight shelters. We simply do not have enough resources to rehabilitate our homeless.

When the park was cleared, there was suddenly a wealth of individuals sleeping on the main street of our town. The smell was horrific as their living conditions were fully exposed. It felt unsafe to walk alone in previously comfortable spaces because we weren't able to ignore the massive number of people literally wearing everything they owned, their cheeks hollowed and their bodies warped and dirty.

It was abysmal. Many letters were written to the appropriate political parties making two requests:

The first was that they stop treating all homeless as criminals. Not being able to live inside a structure is not a crime. Most of these humans are disabled. When you speak with them, you learn their homelessness arose out of medical needs which resulted in bills they couldn't pay and eviction notices. They are people trying to survive as best they can.

The second request was that we expand safe housing and rehabilitation measures for our community.

I'm happy to say that both processes are underway. However, there is always more that can be done. Which is why I'm posting twice today on how you can help my daughters bring joy to our homeless neighbors by supporting their goal of raising enough here on Steemit to buy 200 boxes of cookies to donate via a troop mom who works in homeless housing.

Here's how you can help:

  1. Upvote THIS LINKED POST. The payout for the linked post will arrive prior to cookies sales closing.
  2. Resteem the above linked post.
  3. Send SMD or STEEM to @shawnamawna with a note saying it is for Cookies for the Homeless.
  4. Write your own post telling people how they can help.

We currently have enough for 36 boxes of cookies. When we reach 200 boxes, I will donate an extra 20 in celebration of your generosity. Please be aware that 1SBD buys 1.5 boxes right now.

Thank you, Steemians, for helping us reach this goal.

This is an amazing community capable of spreading love to those who can't get to this platform. Our family appreciates you.



Don't forget, best comment on this account or @nat5an each week gets 5SBD reward.


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