"Being interesting is important" -- Why You Should Not Fear Conflict


I was having a conversation with @everittdmickey over on a previous post of mine when he said this:



This is a valuable lesson not just on Steemit but for life in general.

It got me thinking about what it means to be interesting, and why so many people are not outwardly interesting.

I had a few observations I wanted to share.


Many people are afraid to share the more interesting parts of their personality. They're afraid to rock the boat, to cause conflict, to upset others, to fail.

Interesting people lack these inhibitors.

When you think about it, the most interesting person in the room is also the most dangerous.

Conflict avoidance

Most people avoid conflict like the plague.

They don't want to offend the sensibilities of anyone else, and so they become milk toast.

Milk Toast

This is a cultural colloquialism. Let me explain it for you if you're not familiar with the term.

Milk toast is a food often given to sickly people with poor constitutions because it is easy to digest and has a lot of empty calories.

Milk toast is fed to people in order to not upset them. When you avoid conflict, you are milk toast.

To be interesting is to Fail

Sure, you could try making a meal of something other than milk toast, and it could be a complete disaster. It could also be the beginning of a new culinary discovery.

It is the same with people and their personalities.

Interesting people fail all the time. Because most attempts at new things fail. For every successful person you will find a thousand failures. Likewise, for every interesting person you will find a million failures.

Conflict shakes out the ugly truth

This is true in many fields, including relationships.

If you have a brother who is a drug addict, they don't want to have an intervention, but it's best for them.

If you have discovered that a friend has deceived you, it's not comfortable to expose the deception, but such a deception will kill a friendship.

If you have a spouse that is doing something that upsets you, to keep that feeling inside rather than expressing it in order to avoid the inevitable fight, is exactly what will cause the end of the relationship.


Say things that might be offensive -- if you really believe in it!

If something seems like a long shot -- don't be afraid to fail!

Use spices! Try new foods! Go ghost hunting! Play with children! Sit with gurus!


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Is there something that is holding you back from being the person you really want to be?

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