Weird New Invention To Save Elderly? 1/3/2018

I think most of us have or had an elderly person in our lives who we have loved, cared about and wanted what is best for them.
I personally feel that this could of been something for my grandmother to wear.
I say this because one of the biggest fears in my family's life when it came to my Grandmother was what if she ever falls down from the stairs just outside of her house or falls somewhere?

The fear was big and this was because often in my grandmother's generation when it came to the topic of conversation on who had died recently and how they died, a fall was interestingly enough a very common cause, normally not killing on impact but the injuries often leaded to being hospitalised in which later they died.
And yes it seems to be a fact that %23 of those who fall die within that particular year of the incident, and a further whole %50 lose their autonomy, so I say and feel its pretty serious.

Anyway in the future things might slightly different depending on how you see this new invention as hip fracture's are apparently one of the most common serious injury's endured by the older generation of people.

For example in the UK alone it costs the NHS a reportedly £1 billion every year.
So basically for places like the UK any potential solution is met with great enthusiasm by the medical community, even if many have their own doubts.


Images By @simonjay

So the French company Helite which you probably may have already heard of as they normally specialise in airbags for the extreme sports but have now decided to shift their skills in designing and inventing a special new belt for the elderly folks who wish to endure their own safety and protection of their hip joints.

Its been tested on 50 real patients in nursing homes in Burgundy France the shock absorption is about nine times better than a standard hip protector as the bags are able to reduce 90% of fall impact for the hip joints.

Its different to normal hip protection pads because it uses a combination of gyroscopes and accelerometers to detect when a fall is about to occur and deploys airbags before the subject hits the ground.

The average fall takes (0.4 seconds) and the bag can detect a fall within (0.2 seconds)

Wearable Hip Protecting Device

Granny Wears Hip Protection Device

My quick opinion is this can indeed be great for those wanting to protect their hips I mean I would ask my own grandmother to wear it but obviously one thing to point out from the video is the guy falls on hes knee so we need to be aware that it wont help on that department and the protector itself costing over $1000 plus nearly $70 to replace the air canister, does make you think could their not be a better solution for such a price?
If your looking for a solution to strictly protect the hips then this is fine but knees and elbows are still very much in danger.
Also from another video that I saw the guy doing the demonstration of the device seems to have hit the floor full force and then 1 second later the device sprung into action defeating completely the purpose of wearing one, so I also feel the device may still need a little more work before going on the market.


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