How To Get More Energized - 10 Tips !

Our daily lives can get so busy and stressful that feeling exhausted, flabby, tired or weak can happen quite regularly. 

Especially when spending all day on the computer (writing Steemit Posts?!), we sometimes feel like we lack energy, and aren't as productive as we'd like to be.

So here are 10 Tips on how to get more energized in your daily life!

1.) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  

Your mom might have told you that already when you were a kid, but it’s really true!   Try to start your day with a breakfast that is high in protein, has some carbs, only little sugar and enough fluids! Coffee might wake you up but dehydrates you, so if you choose to drink coffee be sure to make up for it with even more water. A breakfast smoothie with lots of fresh fruit is also a quick way to get your daily dose of vitamins!

2.) Eat a light dinner, 2-3 hours before going to bed!

When we eat, we give our body fuel. We need lots of fuel in the morning and during lunch to go about on our day, but we don’t need a lot when we get home from work and relax on the couch. So eating a tiny breakfast & lunch but a big dinner isn’t very healthy!
If you fall asleep while your digestion is still working, you often wake up dull and lazy the next morning.
Eating a full breakfast, medium lunch and a snack for dinner (or something low-carb) is probably your best bet.

3.) Make use of power naps!

Very short naps under 20 minutes can actually work wonders for our concentration.
If you have the opportunity to take a short power nap in the afternoon, you will experience waking up much more refreshed! Take care that you don’t sleep for too long though, everything over 25 minutes might get you into a level of sleep that is too deep, and end up waking up groggy! 

4.) Drink ENOUGH water!

I have already dedicated a whole post to drinking enough water, because it's so important and so many of us don't do it! Water is important for almost every mechanism in your body to function correctly.
It improves your concentration, your skin, digestion, immune system, and much more.
And it makes you more awake and gives you MORE ENERGY  in general!

5.) Shake it off!

It has been scientifically proven that dancing reduces your stress level and leaves you feeling more energized.
So why not start your day with a little dance-off while brushing your teeth or preparing breakfast? 

6.) Treat yourself!

Make time for a little spa session during the week, to fill up your energy after a stressful day! This could be a simply bath or hot shower, a head massage, or meditation. Take some time to step back, relax, and re-fuel! 

7.)  Stay Active!

This is no secret – working out is a key factor in feeling more energized. Try to get at least 30 minutes of MOVEMENT into your daily life! Don’t have time for that? Maybe combine it by riding your bike to your job or when running errands. 

8.) Get ENOUGH Sleep!

Waking up tired because you didn’t get enough sleep is probably the worst way to start your day. Try to sleep about 7-8 hours each night (not too little, not too much) to wake up feeling refreshed and energized. 

9.) Get some SUN!

Now depending on where you live, this might not be easy. (Speaking from experience in Germany!)
The sun is our biggest energy source, sunshine instantly lifts our mood and improves our health! But even on a cloudy day, the light level is much higher than inside our offices our homes. So if you’re feeling groggily, go out, take a walk and get some fresh air.
Even when the weather is terrible, the fresh air alone will always get you pumped up more.
You will return with much more energy! 

10.) Don’t worry too much!

This might be easier said than done, but worry is one of the biggest factors that drains our energy. The wise Dan Zadra once said: “worry is a misuse of your imagination”, and that’s so true. You don’t achieve anything by worrying. You don’t know what is going to happen, nor will you be able to influence it by worrying. So just stop and focus on the present!  

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