Incorrect Inputs Result In Unwelcome Outputs

"The first use of the term, Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO), has been dated to a November 10, 1957, from a syndicated newspaper article about US Army mathematicians."

Cloud with X
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You don’t have to be into computers, the military, or even garbage to understand this concept.

Your life is full of choices.

As we talked the other day:

As Elon Musk puts it: “Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence”.

The good news is that we are the ones in this scenario, if it plays out as such, being acquired.

If that plays out, or even if it doesn’t, what choices we make, what inputs we select, have a direct impact on what happens to our lives.

Not getting enough sleep?

Do you drink caffeine late in the day?

Tired during the day?

Did you eat breakfast?

Or enough protein?


Other nutrients?

What about your mood?

Are you happy or are you sad?

What are you reading?

What shows are you watching?

What are you thinking about that no one is never even ever going to ask you about?

I am not a doctor, so check with one before making any changes you might otherwise blame me for.

Not Listening Otter Meme
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Rather I am a writer (barely).

And as such, I write about what happens to me, what I see happen to others.

Then I compare and contrast and look and wait and see and inspect and wonder.

So if you find yourself reading this today and things are not going your way, maybe look around and see if there is any trash you can take out.

Tune in next time for more great content!


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because sometimes you have to take the trash out yourself.

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