Learning English Abroad, Disadvantages of it! ( English Education - Part 2 )




After writing about the advantages of learning English abroad , I would like to write about the other side of the fence which is about the difficult sides of the process. You are welcome to check my previous post. Learning English Abroad, Advantages of it!

Even though I personally think that studying abroad to learn English is a great chance, it is not easy for everybody to overcome the problems that might happen during their stay in a new country. I have always wanted to study abroad and I have done it, but it was only possible with some fundings that I got from Turkish government and European Union. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to move. There are lots of reasons which put obstacles on our way.

Feeling homesick is one of these problems. When students go to another country to learn a new language, they might feel so lonely as life is not always positive. It might be their first time being alone in a new city where there are many people speaking a different language. It might cause serious problems for people who are too independant on their families and friends.




Economy is the biggest obstacle that trap people in their homes even though they are really eager to learn a new language in its original place. Many people can't bring enough money together as language schools are asking for a high amount of money when students are interested in them. When I consider the economical situation of people in Turkey, it is really hard for my students to go abroad so they usually prefer to stay here.

School fees are really high, but that is not the only problem. If we want to make it more clear, I can give example about studying in London. When I compare Turkish money and other currencies with British pounds, there are is a huge difference between the values of these currencies. People have to think twice before eating something as their familes are facing with serious problems back in their countries to support them financially. I had similar problems when I was in university. I was away from my family and my family's economical conditions were not so good, so I had to stay in a dormitory where there were limited facilities.



Cultural Differences

Culture shock is another major problem that students can't handle when they start a new life. Especially, If you are coming from a country which is completely different than the one that you are planning to learn English, it is becoming worse. I remember how I felt when I was in Poland for Erasmus education. I had to use the same showers and toilets with all other students. It was something that we are not used to having in Turkey, but I adapted myself easily.

Culture consists of lots things inside its meaning. Food is another issues that might force students in a new country. When I was in Poland, I was feeling really desperate to taste something chilly as almost everything was too sweet. It might sound like a minor problem, but many students beg their families for some food from their countries to ease their despair.



Teacher's Note

After all, I believe that studying abroad is much better than doing it in your own county. It will help students improve themselves a lot as it is a new experience for them. The problems that I stated above can be handled by only going towards them. Economy is an issue that is a serious obstacle, but we shouldn't forget that education is an investment for our future.

What do you steemians think about these potential problems? do you think that they are as difficult as I told in this post? I would like to get your opinions about it so that we can discuss, thanks for your taking time in reading this post, Steem on!


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