How to find your inner purpose in life❤

Hi dear friends!❤Today I want to write about our inner purpose and how to find it, where to find it and how to stick to it.

I will write my message in form of a poem, trying something new today.

Hope you enjoy reading!

Why it is so difficult to find out what your passion is.

When we grow up,
Be quiet,
Do what I tell you to do,
Eat that,
If you don't eat the food on your plate,
you don't get any dessert,
Let me hug you,
Don't be lazy,
Don't act like a girl,
You act like a boy,
He just likes you, that's why he is mean,
You are to young to understand,
Pull your self together,
Don't cry like a girl,
You will get dirty,
You are to small to know what's good for you,
You are so cute,
Such an angel!

Listen to me, I know better,
You should be more social,
You need help,
You are always so stubborn,
Act normal,
He is not right for you,
You should have known better.

Actually almost everything we are and do is not right and good enough. Every comment is meant to change your way of view, your opinion, your lifestyle, your behaviour.

We can't even decide
what we want to put in our mouth
when we just start to discover what food is.

We go at least 12
years to school to learn what?
More than to write and read and maths,
what do you really remember
from school?

We learn to follow
others opinions,
we learn to listen
to our parents, teachers, doctors and chefs.

12 years (and more) we learn subjects
that we didn't choose,
but that are chosen for us
by others.

We are very good
at doing what we think and know other people expect from us.

When did someone
in your life ask
what you are interested in,
what you want to do.

We are told to go to school,
make good notes and
do what the teacher says us to do.
Later when we continue to study at university and
learn what someone else already discovered long time ago,
we learn how to re-write knowledge.

It is difficult to go your own way,
Who is there to encourage you?

It is very comfortable to live a comfortable life
where everything is secure and safe.
No risks needed when you just take that job,
finish your studies,
buy a house with help from the bank,
Marriage the right one,
Have children,
Pay your life insurance,
Keep your work,
Make a carrier,
Go on holidays every year to a warm place,
Celebrate the holidays.

That feeling

But there
Searching for your attention
You hide in front of a screen

Where is the happiness?
Where do you find that?
These people on tv/instagram/Facebook
They look so happy
Why am I not that talented?

Not my business.
I take the pill.
Doctor help me.
Go back to your childhood.
Doctors says,
The answers are there.
Why am I still depressed,

Yea you will get the whole book!
Divorce, what went wrong?
I need to find the the right man/women for me.



Where to look for your inner dharma.

To find what you love, look for the small things!
A delicious dinner! A party! Taking walks in the nature! Finding great restaurants! Travel! Reading books! Baking! Style the Easter table! Or a sound! Whatever you love doing, or dream to do.

It could be anything that brings you joy.

Your interests are the key to find out what you are meant to do in your life.

When you follow your interests and delevop them, you are aligned with what your life purpose is.
You will feel free, happy and motivated when you wake up in the morning and know what's waiting for you.

That's how we are meant to live.

You would do it for free, and you will at the beginning. Than you can find ways to earn your income with your interests.
A person who loves fancy dinners maybe will open a restaurant, a person who loves to travel can write a travel guide,
you will find your way, as long as you know what you want to do.

Start inside and you will find your way in the world.
The answers are inside you. You just need to look a little closer.


Love, Niina

Ps. Check out my instagram and blog for many simple and healthy vegan recipes.

While you are still here, take your time to check out my other recipes and recent posts:

  1. CHOCOLATE CUPS to die for! With roasted almond filling and peanut butter! RECIPE!
  2. Healthy Breakfast & Dessert Idea - Vegan Recipe! Millet Porridge with a warm Blueberry Jam
  3. 3 Ingredient Pancakes! Recipe! VEGAN, SUGAR & GLUTEN FREE. And how I contribute to a happier, and healthier world.
  4. MATCHA-CHOCOLATE CAKE! Recipe - Vegan - Raw
  5. HELP NEEDED! CHOCOLATE MUFFINS! Gluten free and refined sugar free
  7. Congratulations to the Winners of the #VeganBreakfastContest!!!
  8. How to create the perfect layers for a parfait!
  9. VEGAN TIPS🎆 Monday motivation on healthy living- tips and tricks for everyone!
  10. A simple Friday pizza for everyone!

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, nourishing, healthy, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

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