20 questions with Manny Kess

When A-List celebrities and professional athletes want to have a good time in Las Vegas, they call Manny Kess.

Manny has built a reputation in Vegas as “the guy you want to party with,” thanks to his relationships with club owners and his overall knowledge of Sin City’s inner workings.

While most people are forced to pump the brakes after two or three nights of partying in Vegas, Manny hits the town multiple times every week, making sure the people he is with are having the time of their lives.

And if that means ripping his pants while jumping on a table in Marquee Nightclub, so be it.

20 questions with Manny Kess

1 - How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Manny - I’m family oriented with a zest for life; I’m a passionate world traveler who enjoys creating memorable experiences for people while living my life to the fullest.

2 - How did you become an A-List Las Vegas VIP host?

Manny - I’ve stood my ground through much trial and error while also taking on the Las Vegas establishment. Over time, I’ve built a reputation for communicating with brutal honesty and delivering an overall client experience above and beyond the status quo.

3 - Who are some of the biggest celebrities you’ve worked with?

Manny - We have worked with a very wide range of well-known people in the world. Without listing names, I can comfortably say that we have worked with a large amount of current and former NFL and NBA players and other domestic and international athletes. We have also dealt with several A-List celebrities, Grammy Award-winning artists and even high-ranking politicians and princes from the Middle East.

4 - What are some examples of requests you get from celebrity clients?

Manny - We handle anything clients ask for and help them realize the limits of their imagination. We have accommodated room demands that include or sometimes exclude the most specific and detailed items, arranged for private chiropractor and doctors’ visits, and even set up bespoke in-room audio/video requests.

5 - What is the most interesting thing you have seen on a night out in Las Vegas?

Manny - What I see in Las Vegas on an ordinary night out might easily be something most people may never see in a lifetime. Las Vegas is the foreground of watching adults live out their wildest fantasies. If your imagination can think it, I have probably seen it.

6 - How have you gone about building relationships with various club owners and Las Vegas influencers? Did it take a long time to establish these partnerships?

Manny - It took years to forge my relationships on the ground here and most of them were mainly solidified through constant repetition and establishing a good rapport over time.

7 - What do most people do wrong the first time they come to Las Vegas?

Manny - Most people don’t plan ahead and assume that everything will just work out when they hit the ground. A lot of times, people head to the recommendations their friends or family members make because they visited a few years back.

The truth is that circumstances are constantly evolving on the ground in Las Vegas, and without having a finger on the pulse of what is going on, it can be tricky to ensure that one has the best time without wasting resources. I established my company so that people can avoid these mistakes and maximize their time in Las Vegas while having the best experience possible.

8 - What is your top tip for someone who is coming to Vegas for the first time?

Manny - Contact The Kess Group. We will make your trip unforgettable.

9 - Your Twitter bio reads: “I’m the guy you want to party with!” How many nights per week do you typically end up partying?

Manny - Personally I am out two to three nights a week, but my staff is available 24/7/365, so we are always ready to create the next memorable experience.

10 - Some people say they can only handle three or four nights in Las Vegas. Is it difficult finding the stamina to constantly be surrounded by Las Vegas’s energy?

Manny - Depending on what you do, three to four nights can be quite an undertaking. The key is hydrating, resting and mid-day cat naps.

11 - In your opinion, what is the best club in Las Vegas?

Manny - That depends on the given night and what’s happening in town. Also, each person’s musical preference plays a big part in answering that.

The good news is that the Las Vegas nightlife scene caters to all tastes and preferences and boasts what I would say is at least half a dozen of the best nightclubs in the world.

12 - What is the worst nightclub in Las Vegas?

Manny - Hmm… I think that Life inside the SLS was pretty lacklustre and that’s the reason it has now shut down.

13 - What occupies your time when you’re not working?

Manny - I love traveling, working out and I’ve started to read a lot more.

14 - Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Manny - Living near a beach, far away from a night club.

15 - You get to have dinner with three people, living or dead. Who are you eating with?

Manny - Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and Warren Buffett.

16 - What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Manny - I have had many that I would rather not discuss, but ripping my pants while jumping on a table at Marquee Nightclub is up there.

17 - What’s your favorite sports team?

Manny - I’m a NY’er who supports the Knicks, Jets, Mets and Rangers.

18 - Where is one place that you’ve not yet traveled to, that is on the top of your list to visit?

Manny - I’d say it’s a split decision between Bali and South Africa.

19 - Any last tips for someone who is planning a trip to Vegas?

Manny - Locals do not generally spend their time on the Strip, so if someone is looking for a good deal, venturing off the Strip offers some amazing options at extremely reasonable prices. Fremont Street and old Las Vegas are extremely charming and a lot of fun.

20 - What is one thing very few people know about you?

Manny - I sang in my high school.

Thanks to Manny for giving us an inside look at what Vegas is really like.

As always, thanks to all of you for taking the time to read.

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