Last night I dreamed I found a kitten... And today I found this kitten! No kidding!!!

At first I thought the meowing was my imagination due to last night's dream of finding a kitten, and that would be too much of coincidence right?  Before bed I'd been thinking about my beloved young cat Magic, who was only a few weeks old when we took him in and was my dearest pal.  But he got knocked down by a car a couple years ago and I miss him all the time.  

So this afternoon I was waiting for the bus into town, and next to the bus stop is a car park.  I thought maybe it was bird song and not meowing at all, but for peace of mind I took my little boy and we went to investigate, and there beside a car was this tiny little kitten!  But as we walked over towards it, it wriggled backwards underneath the car, and then climbed up under the hood.  I could see it but couldn't quite reach.  I even tried to lure it out with some bread... but clearly wasn't tempted by my home baking haha.  

With minutes to go before the bus was due to arrive I was wondering what to do!  Miss the bus that I really needed to catch, or leave the kitten?  Dilemma!  So I quickly scribbled a note to inform of the trapped kitten, and my mobile number, popped it under the wipers, and reluctantly went for the bus.  Thankfully, the driver phoned me a while later - a local man - he found the kitten but couldn't keep it as he had a dog, so I said no problem we'd collect it on our way home.  So we did!

Must only be a few weeks old, and was ravenous, but is safe and warm and well-fed now.  Bless the poor darling, it's obviously nervous right now but comforts when cuddled. 

A self-contained little home for now!  My son's old play tent makes the perfect safe place... it can't jump out and there's a mosquito net that comes down to contain it (and provides a barrier in case my other two cats come for a nosey.  They go out at night anyway, so this little un won't be bothered tonight).  Not sure of the gender... it's a little too young and little too wriggly to have a proper look!  

What a lovely wee thing he/she is.  And my son is delighted of course!  Stand by for updates!  

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