Managing your time

Balancing your life can be hard, it sometimes feels like there isn't enough time to get everything done and still have time for hobbies and relaxation

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We all have obligations, whether it is your job, spend time with your loved ones or to your family. These are our first priorities, the things you just can not put off. Most likely your obligations will take up most of your time.
These obligations are important because without a job, loved ones or family, well... you get the point.


After a hard day of work chances are you need to unwind. Everyone has his or her own way of relaxing and recharging that inner battery. Some drink, some party, others work out or watch TV. The thing is that everyone has his or her own thing.
Relaxing and doing something you love might not seem like a necessity but taking a break from your obligations can actually make you more efficient in your other duties.

The balancing act

Combining your obligations with your whatever it is you like to indulge in can be a pain. Most likely at the end of the day you will be happy just to have done a small part of the things you set out to do.


For me it is a constant struggle between my family and work on one side and gaming, Steemit on the other. Don't get me started on trying to connect with friends and other social events. 24 hours in a day doesn't seem enough to do all the things I want.


The most important thing I do to get anything done is planning. This might seem boring but it is the only way to get some free time. My work (IT) and my family however don't always follow the neatly laid out plan. So I have to improvise a lot along the way. But the planning is the first step in getting things organized and managing your day.


Determine for yourself what is most important. Obviously things like work and family come first (your obligation). But then come the tough decisions, fact is there are a lot of activities we can partake in. With all the apps, social media, sports, books, TV, movies, comic books, games etc, etc that are available to us, it is easy to get lost in your hobbies. Let's face it, if you had the money you could easily fill our entire day with just doing your favorite activities.
If you are reading this, chances are you have more than once thought about how it would be to be a Whale and just go full Steemit.

But as long as you aren't financially independent you will have to find ways to make enough money to pay your bills, decide on what is really important to you and give up what is not feasible.


Take time to prepare your duties, preparation can save you a lot of time. It might not be your favorite thing to do but if you want some free time afterwards, preparation is the key.

In the End

Don't run away from your obligations, these are the things that really matter in your life and should be taken seriously. Don't delay but take them head on. This is the only way to ensure your time is well spent.
Organizing your free time and spending it wisely can be hard because it also sounds like work. But the reality is that in this society, time is very valuable whether it is spent on obligations or other activities.
Don't underestimate the time you need to spend relaxing and enjoy life. you only live once and you have to make sure that you live it at the fullest.
I live by the rule of the 3 P's, Planning, Prioritizing and Preparation to make sure that I can fulfill my obligations, still have some quality time with my family and some left over time to post on Steemit, game, sport and indulge in other hobbies.

How do you manage your day? Do you find it hard or easy to make time for the things you like to do? Let me know in the comment section.

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