Greetings and Gratitude - A Long Overdue Introduction

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Hello, everyone! I'm @zeppelin's mother, Thiella, and I apologize for the delayed introduction post. We've just been so busy all the time. Raising three kids is a lot of hard work, and I'm surprised that we're able to do it. Without further ado, allow me to introduce Ledd, himself! :D

@jedau tells me that he calls readers of A Day in the Clouds Cloudheads (even though no one ever really responds to it), so I'll call you guys the same :) I'm posting this today in honor of World Autism Awareness Day.

First of all, I would just like to thank everyone who have read the story and have voted on it. It really means a lot! Initiatives like this to spread awareness of invisible disabilities truly help a lot. While furthering motivation to find a cure, it also seeks to instill compassion to others who don't fully grasp what differently abled people and the ones who care about them are going through.

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Being a full-time mom is the most fulfilling job that I've ever had. Some think that it's easy, but really though, it's one of the hardest jobs in the world. Raising three kids, one with special needs, is a difficult task. While my husband earns enough for us to have a decent living and we have enough for trips (we go to the beach now and then because Zepp loves the water!), it's still nice to have some financial cushion. The cost of therapies really take a toll on our savings. Especially now that Zepp has been experiencing absence seizures. We're really keeping a close eye on him.

I didn't ask @jedau to donate the earnings for his story, in fact, I didn't even know that he was writing this story until he had a couple of chapters written. So, thank you to everyone who has supported his story so far.

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Everyone is special, and that term applies more so for people with special needs. Some might argue, that people with special needs have even more to offer to the world. Zeppelin is my special boy, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

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