Be Kind To Your Water: It Remembers!

"Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water... Now if you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash... Be water, my friend."
Bruce Lee

Water is the giver of life. As far as we can know, life started in the oceans. We can survive days, weeks even without food, but not without water. The planet is 70% water. If we consider pure volume, our bodies are 70% - 75% water; if we count molecules however, we are 99% made out of water. To imagine this, try to say out loud all molecules in your body one by one; you'd say "water" 99 times, and then one of the other ones, like iron or carbon or whatever. And then 99 times water again...

This means that if scientists truly want to understand those singular other molecules, they'll have to do so on a nano-scale, and thus land in the realm of quantum mechanics, where particles are waves, and waves are particles. In the 1980's quantum mechanics wasn't as widely accepted as now, so there's hope.


Science itself sometimes fails to keep an open mind and next to the limitations of science we explored before, this sometimes prevents huge steps forward in human evolution. The science of water memory is, regrettably, victim to the closed mind of scientific prejudice and the influence of money.

French immunologist Jacques Benveniste was cought up in a huge controversy in 1988, when he published a paper in the prestigious scientific journal Nature essentially supporting the concept of homeopathy and suggesting the existence of water memory.

"Water memory is the purported ability of water to retain a memory of substances previously dissolved in it even after an arbitrary number of serial dilutions. It has been claimed to be a mechanism by which homeopathic remedies work, even though they are diluted to the point that no single molecule of the original substance remains."
source: Wikipedia

Benveniste didn't get his peers to review his research, he even got a lot of resistance from his fellow scientists who, in an age of materialism, didn't even want to consider the possibility of water having properties that could not be explained on a material or biological level. Even today, more than 30 years later, scientists don't pay much attention to the very real observations in the very real experiments that have been done by many scientific mavericks.

One of them in particular has picked up the thread where Benveniste had to leave: he died in 2004 after decades of fighting the scientific establishment for his research te be recognized. Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier started in 2005 and worked on the thesis of water having a memory. I'll try and explain what he and his team did.

"My advantage over Bienveniste is that I got the Nobel Prize for the discovery of H.I.V. and therefore I gain recognition in the scientific community. Yet today my noteriety is challenged..."
Luc Montagnier

In short and simplified it boils down to this; he put a couple of DNA molecules of the H.I.V. virus in a water solution and deluded it so that there were no more DNA molecules left in the water. None. This DNA radiates a signal in a certain frequency, and this frequency is measured in the water with and without the molecules! The water had retained the memory of the DNA!

He took it one step further: there is a technique by which you put certain molecules in water and by adding a piece of a DNA-strand, they attach to the partial DNA and the original complete DNA strand is rebuilt. Luc Montagnier used this technique on his water with just the memory of the DNA and the result was staggering: The original H.I.V. DNA strand was rebuilt, out of "nothing", with 98% accuracy!

This could open up a whole new branch of medicine in which we treat patients with just water and waves!

The explanation of this behavior of water is also not too hard to grasp if you accept the principle in quantum mechanics that elemental particles on a nano-scale are both matter and wave. Water molecules are special to begin with: it's the only molecule that exists in nature in all three forms of gas, liquid and solid. Also it is the only known substance that expands in volume instead of contracting, when the temperature is lowered below the freezing point.

If you have the time, here's another great documentary about the mysteries of water:

Another curiosity has the answer to water's mysterious behavior. Water molecules are able to form long strings, as if they were people holding hands. Sometimes these strings form a closed circle, and that's where the magic happens: these closed spheres of molecules are void on the inside. No matter, no atoms or molecules can enter, but waves can. The hypothesis is that when a molecule is introduced to the water, the frequency of the wave that is radiated from that substance is trapped within these "bubbles" of water molecules when they form. So the wave is remembered, and the DNA strands were rebuilt from that information.

You know that some people talk to their plants or even play soothing music for them? Do you still think they're weird? Or could it be that it's not the plant, but the water that flows through it, that remembers their kind words and flowing rhythms? And, now for the worrying part: what is water feeling richt now, on this planet, with us at the helm? I dare not think about that...

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