Want to create some logos for my weekly reports?

Edit: Thank you for the entries below! I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to go with the excellent entries by @kyriacos, but I'll highlight all of the entries in the next report, giving credit to the authors.

I just started a new report which I plan to run every week:
The Witness Voting Engagement Report - 2017-08-08

I need a better logo because I'm terrible at that stuff.

I also have another weekly report which I've been running for about a year:
Exchange Transfer Report: 7/30/2017 to 8/5/2017

As you can see, that logo is pretty bad also.

I only spent a few minutes on both and don't really see the point spending too much time on visuals since I'm more about the data. I'm not asking you to spend much time on this either, but I do think if you are a visual designer your few minutes will get a much better result than my few minutes.

So here's what I'm thinking: 25 SBD per logo.

I'd like each report to have a nice logo. If you think you can create them easily, check out the reports, get a feel for what they are about, create one, and post it in the comments. If I like a logo you create and pick it, I'll send you the SBD. To be clear, I am asking for a cheap logo here. This isn't for a company or a big project or anything, it's just a weekly post I do, so don't put in more effort than you think 25 SBD is worth.

I'll give it a few days before picking the two I like, one for each report.

You down? If not, please share with someone you think might be.


--- Luke

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