My Wedding Day (5 Minute Freewrite)


The only photo I can find (that hasn't already been posted) that is close to the age/time I got married.

The Wedding Day!

When you’re young, it can seem like most guys are players (and maybe they are!) I was very fortunate that the love of my life didn’t struggle with this, as much as he thought he wanted to be a ‘player’ when he was a teen, there is just something in him that is way too solid for that. He might disagree, I suppose, but I’ve known him for a bit and I’d say it’s true.

If nothing else, Patrick (@serapium) was always horrible at picking up hints or even recognizing a blatant come on from a woman and seemed hesitant to make the first move, so that doesn’t lend itself well to being a player. :) Plus, he just has too much innate respect for women in general. Something I’ve seen more and more from him in our marriage and in raising our daughters.

That being said, the time had finally come for our wedding day. It was June 21, 1994. We were 22 years old (about to turn 23) and living a very unstable life. Our jobs, my mental health issues and just our all around instability due to age, being broke and desperate and coming off of some years of very bad choices.

At any rate, we were determined that we were getting married that day. We had an appointment at a wedding chapel, we had told our few friends and our minds were made up. We had worked all weekend and he had $371 for a ring budget. He managed to find the ring he wanted and bargained with the guy until he lowered the price so that he could have that particular ring.

We were both excited, but I was getting nervous. AND He STILL hadn’t told his parents.

We were in our dumpy little apartment and I was getting shaky already. I was trying to iron my wedding outfit and he finally decided to call his mother… 15 minute before we were to leave for the ‘Phoenix Wedding Chapel’ not far away.

His mother was not pleased. She was trying to convince him to wait until we could come ‘back home’ and have a big wedding that she could help plan. I know a large part of it was that she just didn’t want him getting married right then, much less to ME (and for good reason, actually) and she did her best to try and talk him out of it.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work. Of course, she still had tricks up her sleeve… she was just a little late in implementing it. I suppose that’s why Patrick waited until the final hour to call his mom in the first place, because he figured she’d try to do something to change his mind.

I gotta say, I wasn’t expecting her to be thrilled for us, or even supportive. I didn’t expect her to do what she did, either. It obviously didn't change the outcome of our wedding, but it definitely put a damper on our relationship with her.

Timer!!! Read Part Two


Day #45 of the @freewritehouse selfie contest. Today's Daily Prompt was 'Players' We're almost done with this 50 Day Contest! I can't believe I've managed to do a freewrite every day without fail AND I've remembered to post the link and a selfie each day. I'm really impressed with myself. I also haven't taken this many photos of myself in my life. :/ It's been good for me to get used to seeing this face, I suppose. Too many years of trying my best to avoid it!



More of my Real Life posts:



An Unlikely Love Story

The 3 Day Engagement: Our Real Life Crazy Love Story


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Photos are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos. Crossposted to my Medium Blog

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