Things To Note: For Him VI, Contributed By @olawalium.

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5.


Ladies love marking their territories and when they know you tell them just about anything, they won’t feel threatened in any way. There would always be that assurance; that guarantee that you value them enough not to hurt them. They mark their territory because they feel you are worth fighting for.

Oneness is a dynamic journey. There are changes life will mandate. Changes in her body size during pregnancy, changes to her body physiological structure after delivery, limit to your going out too, being sensitive and considerate, and several other life’s factor that would come into play during marriage, so you have to adjust. As you are experiencing your own changes, be sure she is experiencing her own changes too.


Marriage is about cooperation, and it is more like a cooperative society. You have to do things together, reach some level of understanding and always strive for peace. Leave ego to the door and let your desire to keep her override your desire to be right. Don’t buy into the philosophy that marriage is painful and difficult. We chart our own course, so why can’t you have a different experience from the norm? Don’t forget marriage is also a bit about sowing and reaping. What you give to it is what you see; garbage in, garbage out. Whatever you want to see in your marriage, plant it, water it, nourish it, nurture it, and with time it will bring forth its harvest. This is why the issue of taking your time comes into play. If you rush it, you are in for it, especially if it turned out differently than you expected. If you marry a good lady, you will enjoy your marriage and if you marry a bad one, well, you might become a philosopher.

There are many wonderful marriages, so don’t let seeds of destruction be planted in your marriage. Don’t let fear rule your marriage as you will only be second guessing your partner at every turn. You will make her to continuously pay for what she didn’t cause. Gossips plant such seeds and even water it. You can’t do well in most area of your life as a man if you lack marital peace. You will desire to seek that peace elsewhere and might even complicate your life the more as a result of it.


Men rarely do so well without peace. Without peace, your health will suffer, your countenance would be dull, and even your finance. We win some fights sometimes by not fighting. Seek for peace. Let things go. There are some situations beyond our control and we need to develop the power to let go of things we can’t change. Strive to attain peace. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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