Can a HUG keep us Healthy? πŸ’–πŸ˜

There was a very famous Indian Movie "Munabbhai MBBS" very hillarious but it had some very deep messages. The part 1 had a very famous line "Jaddu Ki Jhappi" meaning "A Magical HUG".

So can a HUG bring any difference to us?
Science has proved that a warm compassionate Hug makes us feel warm and cozy and it can also eliminate stress to a great extent. There is a research from the Carnegie Mellon University, proving the same...

We are aware that people with low stress levels and who have a loving environment are free from psychological states such as anxiety and depression. It is also proved that people who are always in outer conflicts are more prone to cold viruses.

When someone says, they need a Hug, they probably are going through low times in their lives and that one Hug can help boost up their morale. A Hug therapy is considered to be a powerful healing technique.

Image Source: Pixabay

Here are some very simple benefits of a giving or receiving a HUG:

When you Hug a person, you make the person feel safe, you make them feel they are loved and wanted. You also help them eliminate their fears.

A Warm Hug can eliminate the feelings of loneliness.

A regular warm extended Hug will help lower your Blood pressure. A skin touch helps activate the pressure receptors sending signals to the brain and helping the nervous system balance out.

A Hug alleviates your mood and makes you feel Happy.

A compassionate Hug helps to break down ego and allows Love to flow effortlessly.

Besides the lot of benefits that a HUG can bring at a physical, mental and emotional level, the best I like is that it allows to LET GO and breaks the barriers, bringing in a smooth flow of Energy between two people. It connects you to people at a Heart Level.

My Tree Hug with my friends. Trees are natural processors that helps transform any negative energy to positive enhancing energies and also helps you stay grounded.
Do try one if you have not, it's a great great feeling and you feel so much connected to Mother Earth

Image Source: Original

A Hug with your Pet expresses the feeling of unconditional Love.

Image Source: Pixabay

To just keep it very simple, you can allow yourself to go free and make your best effort to give a warm compassionate HUG to someone today, someone who is a difficult person in your life, and see the magic unfold.

So are you ready to give a Jadu Ki Jhappi to someone today?

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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