Love is Oneness - Love Liberates πŸ’–β€πŸŒˆπŸ’πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

This week is Valentine's, I see some very sweet posts on Love all around. And so do I wish to put forth my thoughts also on this beautiful expression of Love...

When we say "Love is in the Air" the very immediate picture that comes to our mind is that one Lovey-Dovey couple so mad for each other, with all the romance, flowers and chocolates and all the sweet things. But the word Love holds so much deeper meaning and emotions besides that cute romance between a couple.

Love has many dimensions and expressions, when Love is in the Air, Love is all around in every form in every relation in every person in every part of life. It can be Love for your children, parents, sibling, friends, neighbors, colleagues, your pets, the nature around you, anyone and everyone, and anything and everything, it can be your enemies also. When you let go off the feeling of hatred with anyone you liberate yourself, you rise up above the rest.

Image Source: Pixabay

Where on one side Love binds us in a relation there on the other side, the expression in the relation liberates us in Love.❀

Our Lives are all about Love, we need to learn to love unconditionally, no expectations, only complete acceptance of what the other person is as is. We need to allow Love to let drive our every action, all that we need is Love in our life. It's sad these days that for many people Love is more about fulfilling each others needs. It's not wrong to take care of each other, if the love is above the materialistic demands it will be a beautiful relation, but when love comes with all the conditions then it is a very miserable experience, cause the relation is then hanging on delicate strings.

Love is oneness with your own self and with others. Love can be with self, with your known ones and with strangers also.

Image Source:Pixabay

The founder of the organization "World needs more Love Letters" Hannah Brencher, who herself was very depressed, sad and lonely started leaving Love letters for strangers in New York city. Her campaign slowly spread out to more than 100+ countries and she worked magic with people through her love letters. Truly incredible, she never knew a single person who she mailed her Love Letters, but she realized her own agony and she reached out to people in anticipation.

When we learn to love someone who we know will never be able to payback in any way we reach the depths of generosity within our hearts.

A couple of days back I was watching a video of a father playing guitar for his 1 year baby and the baby was merrily dancing, that was the most profound expression of Love I felt, it was so blissful and pure expression beyond words.

Are there more ways of expressing Love that we can think of, If yes let me know How can you bring in Love to the World today to make this a better place for everyone?

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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