Love is all that Matters πŸ’–πŸ’–

Today completing 23 years of Marriage it makes me reflect on the days gone by that what a wonderful journey I have sailed through.

I will briefly write about my Journey in this institution of Marriage which has given me all sorts of lessons in life. First of all in India when you get married you do not get married to just one person, you get married to almost the entire family. It is not only managing your Husband but also managing his whole family who will come in all different characters. So has it been the case with me also.

I got married at a very young age of 21 and my husband was 24, where honestly I will confess that both of us were not matured enough to get onto such a big responsibility but as we all know that Love is Blind we insisted to our parents that we want to get married early😍😍 and we are actually hatppy about it till date because we feel we have grown together and accomplished everything together. We have been a part of each other's success and failure at every step, we have been closely involved with each in every aspect of our lives, to an extent we can read each other's mind and with all of this I feel our bonding has grown very very strong.


All that Glitters is not Gold

As the saying goes that All that Glitters is not Gold, so does it apply to our marriage also. Like we have had good times we have also sailed through the most turbulent waters where we almost felt we would drift apart. As we started settling in the early years of marriage we realized we had many differences. Specially the influence of the extended family members was taking us down. We did not know how to deal with it and we were going all astray making our own mistakes and trying to justify our behaviors. We were growing up, trying to scale in our professional lives in that we were both making lot of mistakes with the family. We had our first child also immediately after marriage so again that was a big challenge. Financially we were not stable so there were many times when we got very bitter with each other. There was frustration and bitterness creeping up into our relation. Communication with each other started decreasing and then there came a time when we made our own spaces and living in it creating boundaries for each other.

Love is all that matters at the end

After all of this there was one thing for sure that we did not want to separate from each other. As much as we had our differences, bitterness at the same time we loved each other a lot and we do not want to be without each other. Many times we were trying to make things work out for us, falling apart and again trying. Then we came to a realization that the one major thing we lack in our relation is Communication, so we decided we would be clear, honest and open with each other as to what are our expectations or what is it that we like, do not like. We would just make it a point to start sharing anything and everything with each other with a open mind and heart and express out ourselves clearly. This worked out to a very large extent and that was also the U-turn of our relation.

After almost 11 to 12 years our relation started settling, the understanding that is required in the relation of marriage started seeping in. We became more compassionate for each other and could empathize with each other's situation.

Easy Roads are not always the Solution

I know many people in my place would have thought, why should one go through so much of a struggle, it is better to get separated and live on one's own terms. It would have been very easy for us also to do that, going our own ways and living our Individual lives just the way we wanted with complete freedom. But then we had our Son, I already had a bitter childhood and I did not want in anyway my son to go through it even slightest of it. It is very difficult for Children to cope up with broken homes. So we decided we will make it work, not with compromises but with complete understanding and acceptance. Gradually things started getting better and we got more tolerant with each other.

There was never a lack of Love in our relation. What lacked was understanding, sensitivity and compassion towards each other.
This relation has been wonderful for me. today when I think of all those times gone by I can realize that it was all a part of our learning to reach this stage where we see our relationship completely bloomed and glowing. I am happy to sail through this journey. I would not want my life to be different in any way if given a chance. It is just perfect the way it is meant to be. we still do fight with each other and that will keep going on and so will our beautiful relation. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Love and Angels blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

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My other blogs of Interest

"Life is Beautiful; Stop and Look Around πŸ’–πŸ’–"
As Crazy as it may sound............ EcoTrain QOTW
Sublime Sunday #Sunsets - "Nature's Beautiful Play"

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