Self Love: Should be our First and Last Love

We are all very good and masters when it comes to expressing Love for other people, but when it comes to our own-self we become the most harshest in judging ourselves and putting ourselves down. We end up with thoughts like I must have done something wrong to get something not very good in return. By human nature we are always criticizing and judging !!!!!!

How we behave and act with others and also with our own-selves effects everything and everyone in our life. When we open up our heart and surrender to the feelings of love and compassion not only for others but for ourselves too it is then when we are in complete state of Love and Compassion.

It's ok even if we are wrong or have made some grave mistake, do not end up punishing yourself, treat your own-self gently and with as much compassion as you would do to your dear one. Only if you consider your self your own dear one will you be able to stop judging yourself strongly. It's not about you being good or bad its only about circumstances and situations that one is going through, hence don't form opinion for yourselves. Give that space and freedom to yourself and the liberty of being nice and loving to your own-self.

Forgive your self and accept you as what you are fully. Forgiveness first starts with your own-self and only when we are able to forgive our self will we be able to forgive others. With this we learn to accept and love our self and others just the way we originally are.

When we speak of Love, we associate love with our spouse, parents, children, siblings, even physical love anything and everything but ourselves.

Most of us have got into a habit of becoming martyrs, I do everything for everyone but I just refuse to take care of myself. This at the end of the day only ends you up with a feeling of frustration, because in all those others you have buried yourself deep down and that poor heart is crying out "Please look at me also"

When we are in a state of self love automatically everything around us will be in harmony. We will not have to take any efforts to prove our love to anyone, cause self love means you by your true nature is Love and what you are you will spread the same energy around.

Today take sometime out for your self and do what you enjoy and love, do not feel guilty about spending your own time for your self. Be happy with yourself first, only then will you be able to spread happiness around.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

Picture is self taken

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