Love it, shove it challenge

Oh dear, I was tagged in the 'Love it or shove it' challenge created by #thealliance family member: @snowpea. Great idea :D

Obviously I'll omit the usual loves and try to be a bit creative. I was tagged by my fellow savage, @eaglespirit :D

The Rules

List five things that you say "Love It!"
List five things that you just really want to say "Shove It!."
Use the tag #loveitshoveit.
Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in.
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1 When I'm driving really fast and an old pedestrian hurries to the side to avoid me running them over. This wasn't something I was born with; it's a conditioned response. My big son (when he was a kid) would always giggle when he saw an older person trying to run. Somehow this condition was infectious. I'm not proud of this.

2 Being completely on my own. This is a luxury I virtually never enjoy, except, tragically, in bed :P. These moments of peace are incredible. It's the only time I get to have a thought and follow where it goes, without interruption.

3 Crafting. This is a lifelong hobby of mine which I indulge from time to time. I go through phases but my favs are jewellery making, sculpture and crochet.

4 Writing. I won a writing competition when I was just 9 and have been hooked ever since.

5 Reading. I wish I had more time for this. I've got quite a large to-do batch to get through. And, of course, all the Steemit articles I read. My eyes are often bigger than my belly when it comes to reading. Got quite a batch to work through at the moment. My fav type of reading is non-fiction. I tend to gravitate towards humour, religion, philosophy, history, science, culture, but will enjoy the occasional fiction.


Rolls up sleeves :D

1 Dogma. Nothing annoys me more than a rigid mindset tied to a dogma or belief system, incapable of allowing the possibility to think or see beyond what is written down. Saying that, I enjoy challenging people like this to make sure I'm not the one stuck in a rigid mindset. I think it's important to explore your own thoughts without having them straight-jacketed by someone else's ideas.

2 Bullying. I witnessed the terrible effects of this on a close family member.

3 Liars. These come in all shapes and sizes. When I find someone to be dishonest in what they say or do, I tune out. It's so off-putting. It's such a cowardly way to conduct oneself. I feel ashamed for people that make a habit of lying in their personal interactions (obviously, fiction writers are not included here :P).

4 Insincere comments on Steemit. People pretend they love things to wiggle a better position. It's annoying as fuck. If you're gonna enjoy this Steemit journey, read and comment on stuff you actually love.

5 Political correctness. In my lifetime I've seen this evolve to crazy levels. People squirm in their conversations, terrified of offending people. What's sad is that people are so offended by a mere word without seeing there's no bad intention with it. I know people that use certain 'banned' words without an ounce of hate in their bodies. Others, perfectly fluent in political correctness, could give Hitler a run for his money.

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There you go.

Not sure if these wanna play but...

Tag; you're it :P

@underground; @eonwarped; @iamthegray; @herrleeb; @poyim

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Unless otherwise stated, all pics in my blog are either mine or freely available online (pixabay, wikimedia, pexels, flickr, public domain pictures,, maxpixel), labelled for reuse and doctored by me.

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