Project loveletters #1 - His letter


Madrid, 7 Agosto 1978

Dear Irene:

I wish what when you have this letter on your hands, all the family and you are very very well.

My, again in Madrid, where is my destiny. My time in the officine is the 8 à 13,30 horas. Afternoon free.
(Presque) Almost all my friends, they are in your House, of Holidays. Included my "coronel" colonel and my "sargento" sergeant, remaining one "cabo 1°" and me, the chiefs of de officine.

This week, I receive in BARCELONA, two fhotos, what you and my are together. One in the beach, and other in the discoteque. If the fhotos are good, I say it you (je le di toi), for if you whish same thing.

This is the first letter what I am writing to you in English. I hope what you can to read and understand this letter. Sorry the words what are wrong. You know, what I speak more French than English.

Irene, work not many and funny (amusant) you, what the life is short. (For me too).

The next month, I have twenty-five days of Holidays, and sincerly, I know not where go?. If I speak with my father, I can go in aeroplane a "Europe", paying the 10%. But, the life in Europe, is expensive for a Spanich? (I have 7,000 pts only). I believe what yes. (Peut-etre qui per cela, I think it.)


In Spanich: "Me gustaría conocer tu ciudad, al igual que tu país, porque si todas las gentes, son tan "guapas" como tú, viva (live) Nederland"
Translation: I would like to get to know your city, as well as your country, because if all people are as "pretty" as you, go Holland.

In few minutes, I will go to have "gimnasia" gymnastics (que ce le moi) .

Well, dear Irene, I hope receive news yours "bientot" (soon).

Kiss for you and greeting for your father and brothers.


P.D. The week-end, I go to Barcelona, to see my fathers and brothers.

  • (Si tu veux, je t'ecrie-writ- en Francés)- If you want, I can write to you in French

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Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. I also covered his signature for protection

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