After The Rain, She is Still There #Macrophotography Experiment

I like to put a doll in various places to find great scenes for my photoshots. Now I put her near water. I wait until the rain stopped to get wet effect: the wet floor and stagnant water.

The Story of Nina

Her name is Nina. Yes, at last I know the name of the girl who like to be alone.

Today Nina sits near a stagnant water. I don't know whether she is waiting sombody or just wondering. She never talks. I can only imagine what she thinks. It is not easy because her expression never changes: cold.

Do you have a boy friend?

Her mouth shuts.

Are you waiting for someone?

She doesn't answer.

Are you wondering

She looks like never hear my question.

Okay. I will leave you alone here. Don't forget to come home. And I leave her.

Note: From now, I use tag #ninabobo for this project. This girl I called Ninabobo. You may call her Nina. Follow me to see her next adventure.

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Settings1/30 sec. f/4 18mm ISO 100
CameraCanon EOS Rebel T1i
LensCanon EF-S 18-55mm SLR Lens
LocationBogor, West Java, Indonesia


Seusai hujan.

Aku tak suka hujan tapi seusai hujan adalah keindahan. Tanah dan lantai jadi basah. Air tergenang. Itu lanskap yang sangat cantik.

Namanya Nina. Ya, akhirnya aku tahu gadis penyendiri itu bernama Nina.

Hari ini Nina masih sendiri itu duduk di dekat genangan air. Entah dia menunggu seseorang atau melamun. Aku tak tahu. Dia tak pernah mau berbicara apa pun kepadaku. Aku harus menerka-nerka apa yang ada di benaknya. Itu tak mudah karena ekspresinya tak pernah berubah.

Kamu sudah punya pacar?

Dia diam seribu bahasa.

Kamu menunggu seseorang?

Dia bungkam.

Kamu melamun?

Dia tak mengacuhkanku.

Baiklah. Aku akan meninggalkanmu sendiri di sini. Jangan lupa pulang. Dan aku pun berlalu.

Catatan: Mulai sekarang, saya akan menggunakan tag #ninabobo untuk proyek ini. Gadis ini saya namai Ninabobo. Kau boleh memanggailnya Nina. Mari kita ikuti petualangan Nina.

#ninabobo #blogiwankphoto #photography #photo #ksijakarta #bogor #indonesia #steemitbudaya #steem #steemit #budaya #art #canon #travel #life

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