Manifestchallenge, Day 2 - What do I want

Trying to find out a long lasting goal I have to figure what is it that ticks me, always makes butterflys run in my stomach. When thinking about this I realized one thing: adventure.


A travel, a trip, a voyage, you name it, a journey to a destination through unknown events is something that always somehow inspires me.

Into the Wild, a movie telling about a young college graduate who decides to donate his money to charity and leaving his family behind to an adventure, gave the first light into my hiding spirit of adventure years ago...

...and it was awoken again by this Russian guy who traveled across the US by freight trains and filmed his trip with a GoPro camera.

He also traveled across Mexico and watching his interactions with strangers was always exciting to me.

Don't worry, I realize I'm not a crazy Russian (though I actually have Russian ancestry running in my blood) and I'm not going to jump on trains right away; it's dangerous (also illegal) thing to do but inspiring for me nonetheless.

I want to travel the world

This was my profound realization and it feels empowering to say it now that I finally understand it. But I had some mental barriers stopping me from believing I could do it, like being afraid of social situations.

"Travelling the world" is a very vague statement so in an attempt to execute it one has to start from small and specific goals that are easier to achieve.

Stay tuned for tomorrow when I'll manifest more of these small steps towards the goal.

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