Manifestchallenge, Day 3 - Taking over the world, one trip at a time

Like I referred in Day 2, one has to start small to achieve a bigger goal which for me is to travel the world. That's why I'll adventure first in my homeland of Finland before expanding to other countries. And the process has already began as I have hiked in Lapland and in the Koli national park in Eastern Finland with my friends. One time I bicycled about 250 kilometers (155 miles) in 16 hours (I left 4 AM. and was in my destination by 8 PM.) to my friend's summer cottage in Lappeenranta next to the huge Saimaa lake.

It wasn't that I couldn't have gone there with a ride (my friends went by car and I left most of my stuff for them to transport). I just really wanted to do something crazy as I hadn't traveled or done anything remarkable on that summer. And boy, the amount of how much one can experience in 16 hours is quite incredible: hunger, fatigue, satisfaction, perseverance, joy, boredom and believe me; cycling besides an 80-kilometer long road made me feel incredibly bored. Occassionally so bored that I started singing, screaming and growling on the go to keep my mind occupied on something; sounds almost like going insane.

At least there were some bicycling roads besides the 80-kilometer long part of the Road 6 on the way from Kouvola to Lappeenranta; the side of the highway can be a stressful place to bike especially on such an occupied road which was also a targeted by roadworks and the new road created had barely any space besides the highway.

My next adventure?

I've had the thought of going for a full long bike trip (500 kilometers from Kerava where I currently live) to Lieksa, in where I would visit my large quantity of relatives. I anticipate it taking several days, even weeks if I decide to continue to Oulu as I will not cycle with a target time in my mind like I did on the trip to Lappeenranta in which I just biked as fast as I could to make it before the night.

But since I'm performing my civil service the chance to make the trip happen will be after 30th of October in 2018 when my duty is done if everything goes by the plan. During the service I have 18 personal holiday days I can keep when I want (with certain limitations) but I will not be able to use all of them on row during the summer. The only way to make this trip happen already the next summer would be to take "holiday from the service because of personal reasons". But this would mean I'd get no day or food money from those holiday days and my service's end would stretch into the autumn of 2018. Also I'm not sure if attempting to get the "holiday from the service because of personal reasons" will even be successful if I would try that.

We will figure out the period of this trip later in the future but I'll definitely make it someday.

In the meantime I'll visualize myself lying on my hammock in a pine woods taking a well earned rest from a full day of bicycling.

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