How to Delegate SP to MAP (Minnows Accelerator Project)

Delegating SP can be a fiddly business editing the URL on steemconnect.

Now there is a very handy web page that will convert your deleagted SP into Vests and then link you to the steemconnect website with all the parameters completed.

Just go to SteemIt SP Delegation Tool - the Delegatee field has been pre-filled to avoid spelling errors.

You will then see the page below.

Just fill in the Delegator with your-steemit-username (no need for the "@" symbol).

The Delegatee has been filled in with the @accelerator account (again, no @).

Then select the amount of SP you wish to delegate.

Finally, just click the green button to connect to steemconnect with all fields filled in correctly and the SP converted into the equivalent Vests at the current rate.

As the page highlights, there is no need to enter your active password until you are on steemconnect.

That's it!

I will soon be launching the MAP Rewarder, where delegated SP will earn a weekly return. We are currently running a trial; more info coming soon.

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@rycharde manages the AAKOM project and the MAP forum.

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