What Community Will mrWang Hang Change?
Reading thru this "2017 growth plan" makes me wonder what and where my projects and creative content will bring me... When actual progress is made. What "community" will @MrWang fall into... Will @MrWang have his own community.. or will @mrwang be welcomed in ALL the communities as an active contributor, as it should be.
These recent 5 finger swiping of our rewards from the creations we shared with everyone have me feeling in a "certain" zone of uncharted territory...

I could have sworn we established where we were in our relationship and I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have been coasting, waiting on you, steemit to get your shxx together... Only to have my comfort factor replaced by a heightened sense of panic.
This marketing plan is starting to grind my freaking gears.. seems as tho all the "marketing/promoting" ideas and concepts thrown around since I found steemit, are all barely being considered by the peeps in charge and I'm dumbfounded at how this is presented as a NEW & gradual process to be implemented. For heavens sake.. get more creative with your presentations please.
I thought I was bad at procrastinating but dayam... STEEMIT takes the cake on this one
However the case may be... I'm still here, as always... writing, developing, creating and premiering my latest and greatest work and for the most part...

Exclusive To Steemit
I've put so much into this community... sacrificed a crap load of time and money... even considered kissing ass and becoming a "SHILL" only to remind myself that I'm not that type of guy and bro..

It's Not That Kinda Party Homie
Here's My Ultimatum To Steemit
Get your shxx together and make sure you take care of ALL OF US here who are loyal and believe in this community, or else...Aside from WANGCHANGE, There are a crap load of peeps who invested patience, time and money with confidence in my success beyond this platform, because of this platform... @MrWang has produced, promoted and proudly worn the now infamous "STEEM" logo for a good while now and professional success aside... I intend to raise my market value and demand, just as I do in the real world. I expect to bring my investors, fans, followers, stalkers and haters, great news and reward despite me having their nerves rattled in fear of uncertainty. I believe in Steemit.. and I'm giving Steemit the benefit of doubt. As of now... this whole "growth plan" Needs More Cowbell

Once again.. I know it's bipolarish... but this shxx makes sense in my head.. how bout yours?

LiLWANG Challenge..
*This challenge will be for you to sound off with your creative comments and feedback in the comments section below along with your bitshares account... Do it and earn some WANGCHANGE & WANGCENTS. Even more opportunities if you Resteem and/OR TWEET this post and leave your BTS account in the comments section along with the link to the tweet for some LiLWANGS tokens.You must have an active steemit account with your own post (not just resteems) for at least a week to participate in this one
WANGCHANGE & WANGCENTS are both currently actively trading in STEEM, SBD, BTS, BTC, ETH, DASH, USD and many more. Remember the value of 1 WANGCHANGE token is $150 USD.. making these giveaways pretty dam generous in the bitshares market. Please consider buying in on some tokens so you can earn shares from the rewards of all @mrwang content. It helps fund these videos and other projects I'm working on for ya as well.. thanks.
Check it out now..
Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

Users who purchase a full token are to receive weekly share drops from the revenue I generate off steemit post rewards. The more tokens you have.. the greater reward.. and my rewards and creations are only getting better. WANGCENTS is now offered in a giveaway by @virtualrowth and is valued at 1/100th of a WANGCHANGE token. It will be released to the market after it makes it's Beyond Bitcoin hangout debut, tomorrow morning.
To find out more about WANGCHANGE, LiLWANGS & WANGCENTS.. Check out the links below and find out how you can get in on the filmmaking action.
WANGCHANGE Token Official (UIA) Announcement & New Gameplan

We Need You To Come To Discord And Voice Your Opinions

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