Marvelous Tales #17 - [Down the rabbit hole]

The following story is a result of not just one, but two separate writing prompts and also an entry to a contest found here.

The writing prompts were:

writing prompt fulfilled _ 400x240.png

Our baskets were already full with mushrooms, but we decided to check one last spot before heading back to the car.

We both saw a giant brown cap between the bushes and decided to go have a closer look. The terrain was very steep and covered in dry, brown leaves. A true slippery nightmare. Adam went first and I followed in his footsteps.

Almost at the finish line Adam suddenly slipped.

Strangely enough, he didn't seem to fall down the slope, but down and into the hill itself.

I instinctively grabbed him by his arm, but instead of saving him from the fall, he dragged me down with him.

We both shouted at the top of our lungs as we plunged into darkness.

We woke up in almost complete darkness and neither of us remembered when or how we hit the bottom. The ground was muddy and the air so moist we could feel water droplets beginning to form on our skin. The only lightsource were a few holes far above us and I guessed we fell through one of them. But that wasn't the worst of it.

What little we could see when our eyes adapted to low light was shrouded in mist.

»What is this place?«

»I don't know and I'm not sure if I even want to know. I just want to get out of here.«

»Count me in. I guess we have to find a way to climb to one of the holes in the- ... ceiling. «

»I can't see a darn thing because of this mist so I vote we pick a direction and stick to it. I don't want to be running around in circles down here.«

»Good id-... What was that?«

»What was what?«

»I could swear I saw something white move there!«

»I bet it was the tooth fairy, Adam. Come, this way,« I pointed in the direction with the highest number of holes in the sky.

»Seriously, look! There!«

»Quit playing jokes, it's not funny. I'm already trying really hard not to panic.«

»I'm not lying!«

»You're really expecting me to beli-.. Holy marshmallow pineapples! I saw it too!«

We immediately started running without any general direction just trying to get away when one of the creatures crossed our path.

»Oh look, they're bunnies!«

»Talk about falling down the rabbit hole. This is no Alice in wonderland! I want to get the hell out of here!« I yelled with anger.

10 minutes in the underworld and I was already losing my mind. I've hated mist since forever. You can't see anything and you can't do anything about it.

»Did you hear that?«

»Hear what, Adam?« I said visibly irritated. »More bunnies? Or is it unicorns now?«

»No, John. The echo.«

Adam shouted really loud to replicate the sound effect.

»Heard that?«

»You bet! Let's go!«

Hearing the echo drew a smile on my face. It meant we were close to a slope and therefore a step closer back to the upper world. We shouted every so often to stay on track as we were running toward the alleged underground mountain.

Suddenly, there it was. A steep slope right in front of us.

As always, Adam, as the more experienced hiker, lead the way up.

We were happy with the change in terrain from muddy to bare rocks at first but soon realised the rocks were wet and slippery due to the mist. We were advancing very slowly, carefully balancing each step and helping each other as much as we could. I could feel a bond of trust developing between the two of us. Our lives depended on trusting each other, after all.

As we were nearing the extraction point, the rocks got more and more brittle and the road became more and more dangerous.

Adam reached for a grip, made sure it was sturdy enough to support his weight and just as he decided to move, a bunny jumped right in front of him.

He got scared, letting go of the grip.

I reached for him in the last moment, catching him by the hand.

And yet again, Adam pulled me into the abyss with him.


Thank you for reading my story. If you enjoyed it, please upvote, follow and resteem.

Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

I turn your ideas into stories, so please leave them in the comments.

Tomorrow's writing prompt:

"Your idea in the comments"

provided by: @"your name here"

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