The Welcoming New Users Contest! [Round #6][How-To Welcome][+Round #4 Winners]

Today the focus of the contest is on how to properly welcome a new user to Steemit. On a regular basis, I am meeting new users in, on discord, and sometimes out on the blockchain. They usually have the same question. But first!!!!

Winners From Round #4 Welcome Image Design

The top two Welcome Images winning 20 Steem were:



Aaaand the Runners Up :)







Big Thanks to all of the participants for the originality you all brought to the contest.

These images are all free for use within the steem community for creating welcoming documents, and other such activities, as long as you give a proper credit to the user who created them :)

Now back to this round :)

"I'm brand new, what do I do now?"

By now we've collectively written some really helpful guides that point people towards the best resources for new users. I have my own that I've written, and I will likely write new ones, after I digest all of the material and information presented in these contests.

Here are the Guides that won Round 3, where users wrote helpful guides for new users:

and here is one I wrote a little while back:

One really helpful tool I learned about from @reggaemuffin, is you can log into this with a github account, or a google account, which most people have one or the other. Then, when you create a new note, all you have to do is copy the link in the address bar, and whoever you share that link with can edit the document with you. This is a great tool for teaching new users how to create nice looking blogs.

After I've given the new user some good reading material, I introduce them to, and go into a document with them, and help them work on steemit posts. Same as Reggae did with me, when I was just getting started. After a few posts, they have learned a lot, and usually don't need my help anymore. The best thing from there is brainstorming with them on helpful posts to write, and getting them to help new users just as they were helped. This keeps the cycle of helpfulness going.

How to Properly Greet New Users

When I'm trying to help a new user I will introduce them to the various communities that help to guide and instruct.

New User Communities

I'm sure there are many more that I have not mentioned, so please feel free to let me know who I left out, in the comments.

There are tools, such as editors.
There are numerous helpful websites that tell you information about your account.

Here are some tips @reggaemuffin offers:

– Be nice and respectful
– Filter your tips by the users situation, suggest things they can make use of.
– Have some space for a personal comment to add to the post, something you liked, for example.
– Make sure the user hasn't used the introductions tags numerous times already.

Offer your tips for how to properly welcome a new user

  • What information do you share with every new user?
  • What do you wish you were told when you first got started?
  • What information do users need, but not have readily available?
  • What resources do all new users need?

This round is a bit more open ended.

We're looking for all the bits and pieces that may have been left out in other rounds. Tips, advice, and ideas. All surrounding the concept:

"How to Properly Welcome a New User"

There is 100 Steem in the pot for this round, so I'll be looking forward to the creativity you bring to the comments section! I will be awarding steem based on the level of helpfulness, especially tips references and ideas that have not been mentioned or thought of, yet.

Previous Contest Posts

Let's take a moment to thank our Sponsors, and Witnesses!!!!!

@ReggaeMuffin: 500 Steem
@Aggroed: 100 Steem
@Ausbitbank: 100 Steem
@Swelker101: 90 day delegation of 500sp

These sponsors are also our witnesses, if you like what they are doing, please consider giving them a vote.

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