Formally known as #peer-review
, PALnet's #msp-workshop is the go-to place for minnows who need help with presenting their content to their audience. We provide this service free of charge, but expect users to follow some simple guidelines:
Ask For Specific Guidance. Please try to be specific about what you want reviewed, such as:
- Formatting
- Tags
- Titles
- Thumbnails
- Getting views
- Getting followers

No steemit links. We will not accept direct links to your blog. Instead, select-all/copy/paste the raw text of your blog (not the preview) into pastebin in the New Paste box, then click the button Create New Paste. This will take you to the URL that you can submit in MSP Workshop. Alternatively, you can save the copied text as a .txt file in a simple text editor, and then upload to the channel. You can do this before making your post live, or by clicking "edit" after it's live.
Be Patient. We're starting off with a small number of volunteers, all with lives of their own. If your post doesn't get answered right away, consider reviewing other posts in the chat while you wait. It never hurts to get more perspective.
Consider a Bounty. By placing a bounty for your review, not only will your post get more attention, it will let everyone know you are serious about feedback, and you're not just looking for upvotes. Not only that, it will provide incentive to help grow our available volunteers, which will in turn help the community as a whole. As an example, the bounty could range anywhere from 0.1 SBD for a simple review of a short post, to 1 SBD for an in-depth review of a long post.
Post One Link at a Time. This is not the channel to promote. Several other channels have been set up for you to do that. Please wait for your post to be reviewed before posting a second link.
Don't Take it Personally. Flame wars will not be tolerated. You will be asking people to be critical of your work, not for them to be fans of it. “Review” does not equal “praise.” While we encourage all reviewers to lead with something positive about each submission, the point of this exercise is to provide each other with opportunities to grow.
Proofread before submitting. You are your best editor. But you have to train your eye to catch typos and grammatical mistakes. Unfortunately, we can’t function as copyeditors for each post that appears here. We can tell you what needs attention. We’re here to help you grow! So please—submit your best effort for both your sake and the reviewer’s sake. First drafts should never see the light of day. Write, edit, revise. You have to let your readers know that you care.
Be on the lookout for our awesome volunteers who are making this possible:
And a BIG thank you to @sykochica for helping behind the scenes. Please check her out. She has a HUGE wealth of knowledge and lots of guides made specifically for newbies.
Has MSP Workshop helped you? Would you like to help MSP Workshop? Let us know in the comments!