I am @mitneb

I am @mitneb.


First things first, I guess. I am female, contrary to what my name might suggest. My husband and I have recently finished raising our two sons, Tim and Ben (tim/mit, ben/neb, get it?), and they have been launched into adulthood (meaning they have both left the nest, and enlisted in the service of their country for a good long time.)

I’m proud of my boys, of course, and respect them for not hanging around home trying to figure out what to do. They have chosen the good, hard road of independence and self-sufficiency, and it is a joy to my heart. This may sound a little harsh coming from a mother, but I walked that same path myself (as did my husband), and it is a good path to walk when moving from childhood to adulthood.



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I have experienced traveling alone in foreign lands, and learned the hard way that one should never go hiking alone in a jungle without a flashlight (note to self). I’ve grown up riding horses bareback all my life, and known the freedom of racing across acres of pasture with my sisters all summer long. I’ve suffered under the pain of grief at the tragic loss of loved ones.

Living in the mountains, far from the city, and not too close to any neighbors is a luxury I treasure.


I love birds and cats, and I can appreciate a well-trained dog. I keep fish as a hobby, and for relaxation. I’ve crammed as many aquariums into our dining area as can fit, and have a self-imposed restriction to that room, and that room only (much to my husband’s great relief).

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I homeschooled our boys all the way through High School.

I design and sew fancy costume skirts for wearing on horseback. Learn more.

I began training in a weapons-based Filipino martial art called Eskrima when I had just turned 17. I’ve been training in and teaching Eskrima for the past 36 years. It is truly a part of who I am. I teach in the traditional way, outdoors whenever possible. Learn more.


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I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. He wants me to love God, love others and love myself, so that’s what do.

I’ve created the @mitneb Curation Trail Project on Steemit to bring this love for others to life on the internet. People are special all over the world. Giving some of my time and attention to let them know they are seen, and they matter, is worthwhile for me. It allows me to live out my purpose, and make a small difference in the lives of others.

There’s more, but these are the things that come to mind right away that give you a snapshot of who I am, and why I do what I do.

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to check my blog for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report. Here you will find the daily summary of the Steemians I have curated on my trail. Take a moment to encourage some of them with a comment.


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Join the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Discord Server with this Invite Link

Read more about the @mitneb Curation Trail Project here
Read @mitneb’s really cool #Introducemyself Post here


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