Mastercard Looking To Link Your Fingerprint To Your Credit Card

Mastercard is looking to link your fingerprint to your credit card with their new concept that has been unveiled this week. The corporation is looking to use fingerprint scanners on its upcoming cards so that users can 'safely verify' their identity whenever they are making purchases in the store.

Their biometric card is going to combine chip technology with fingerprint authentication and it's reported that South Africa is going to be the first market to test the new card technology.

They point out that the fingerprint isn't something that can be replicated or taken and so because of these reasons it offers more safety. But internet security experts have previously pointed out the shortcomings of biometric identification security systems that use fingerprints to gain access.

With the new Mastercard biometric cards, the customers will register with their financial institution and the fingerprint will be converted to an encrypted digital template which is then stored on the card.

After that, the card is ready to be used around the world just like you would with any other Mastercard.

They've already had trials in South Africa and they'll be holding additional trials over the next few months. Absa Bank is said to be the first bank in Africa to test the payment technology. They are also looking to quickly expand and hold trials for the technology in Europe and Asia Pacific.

This isn't the first time that we have seen people pay for something by scanning their finger. Aside from paying for items, we also use this technology to do things like unlock our phones, laptops, access our cars, and more.

Now that Mastercard has unveiled their biometric credit card, we can bet that their competitors will be looking to do the same. No doubt there are many folks around the world who are going to find it a lot more convenient to scan their fingerprint than to remember their specific password.

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Diana Quach/via vocativ

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