Goldmatters meets Jim Rickards.... and other gold and silver celebrities


I decided it would be fun to do a post with most of the gold and silver “celebrities” I have been fortunate enough to meet in my time so far as Goldmatters.

I’m using the term celebrity loosely here, but most people in the gold and silver space and certainly members of #steemsilvergold will recognize a few if not all of these folks.

My first Gold celebrity was Jose Canseco. JOSE CANSECO? HOW IS HE A GOLD CELEBRITY??

How many people know that Jose Canseco is a gold bug? I didn’t know myself until he blasted it out on twitter a bunch of times. Technically I met him before I was Goldmatters, but I still think it counts.

Read more about how Jose Canseco ended up following me on twitter, and proof that he is as gold bug here: @goldmatters/jose-canseco-and-me-and-my-quest-for-a-follow-back-on-twitter


I also met jeff berwick AKA @dollarvigilante . Although he talks more about cryptocurrencies these days, he is also a huge proponent of gold and silver. (Bonus, that is @lukewearechange in the background!)


Brent Johnson is one of the smartest yet little known figures in the sector.He is also known as Santiago Capital. My favorite quote of his is

“You either believe in magic or you believe in math. If you believe in math, buy gold.”

This is engraved on my wallet.

If you want to read more about how Goldmoney saved my wallet look here: @goldmatters/goldmoney-fixed-my-wallet


ALL gold bugs should know this one. Peter Schiff is extremely well known in the gold sector. He has been preaching the benefits of gold as money for years.


Here Mrs. Goldmatters and I meet the Wall Street Charging Bull. While more of a dark bronze, The bull definely meets the “celebrity” category!

Nolan Watson CEO and founder of Sandstorm Gold.

GOLDEN state warrior Shaun Livingston in front of a huge gold basketball!

Ned Scott CEO and founder of Steemit! (Not a gold celebrity but who cares!)

Alasdair Macleod, well known gold researcher and advocate


Pete Najarian, Karen Finermen, Melissa Lee, Guy Adami, Dan Nathan (finance celebrities on Fast Money)

The “Silver Guru” David Morgan


Author of the New Case For Gold:


Jim Rickards!


There are a few more but I will save those for a future post.

Thanks for taking the Gold Celebrity tour with me. I had a lot fun making this post.

Oh and I almost forgot the most important Gold Celebrity just added to my list!



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I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

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