Today I Transferred 1,500 SBD To A Fellow Steemian In Need as Part of The First Blockchain Loan Agreement I Have Seen--Get The Inside Scoop!


I dedicated my life to helping people and the world over a decade ago. I founded The Garden of Eden over 8 years ago and we have fed hundreds of thousands of free meals since then and saved millions of pounds of trash from the landfill. 

I have housed hundreds of people, from homeless folks to drug addicts to single mothers, artists, hippies and people who just want to get real experience living sustainably. 

When I saw that a fellow Steemian was without his car and his family was suffering because he couldn't adaquately provide as usual, it was an easy choice to help, especially since he was willing to pay it back and I wouldn't have to take away funds that would otherwise help people. 

@mrwang has been an active part of this community for a long while now, has a solid reputation, and has started some cool projects here on Steemit. When I saw his post needing $1,500 to fix his truck ASAP in order to make ends meet, it was great to see that the community stepped up and voted up his post to a value of $150--even though that wasn't close to enough. 

@virtualgrowth then offered to be the middle man to broker a loan to help @mrwang and to also bring some kind of accountability as a third party to the deal. @mrwang offered up his account as collateral and we worked out the details of the agreement. Another post here with some details. 

I wanted to be able to help out @mrwang regardless, as he seems like a hard worker in a tough spot and he also has a family. So I fueled him with Steem Power to hopefully reach GodSpeed!

I also find it exceptionally cool to have worked with @virtualgrowth and @mrwang exploring the terms and details of this agreement as it seems like it could be something very viable to help a lot of people here on Steemit, and I have not seen it done yet. 

There are lots of people making regular income posting on Steemit and a lot of people who for whatever reason need a bigger chunk of change at one time. 

  • With the transparency and record keeping of all agreements being on the blockchain, there is great foundation here for contracts. 
  • With having someone act as a middleman, providing an account as collateral offers security for the lender.
  • Making a steady income--even if it's a small one from post payouts and curation--there is also a realistic way to make payments back on a loan. 
  • With all transactions being made through Steemit there are no fees, instant exchange, and transparent accountability. 
  • All these factors make for a really well-rounded foundation for loans. 

Is anyone aware of someone doing this? If not, I feel it would be really awesome to have a high reputation member of the community act as a middle man to secure keys to the account receiving the loan as collateral and hold accountability to the terms of the contract. 

You can check out the various terms and conditions we came up with in just a day, I am sure it could be fine tuned even more so to run smoothly. 

This really seems like it could help a lot of people and be a potential win win for many without having to go through the regular financial institutions--which hopefully most of us are aware are not the best organizations to support! 

I would love some feedback on this process as I feel there is a lot of potential. 

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