How to Practice Authentic Self Promotion

If you put a small value upon yourself, be assured that the world will not raise your price.

I have always been a hard working individual with stellar work ethic. My Grandpa taught me that those qualities are absolute requirements for success, even shadowing intelligence and dedication. Imagine my shock to get out into the world to find unremarkable colleagues moving up the ladder faster than me.

There’s one that stands out in particular.

I was an intern at a publishing firm, in a team of ambitious, smart, go-getters, and one unexceptional gal-Meghan. Her mediocrity shown brightly against the high performing team, but she thought she was a rockstar.

Strangely, all the important higher ups noticed Meghan. Out of all of us, the least achiever was the one singled out.

Hindsight is 20/20. Meghan may have been producing less, but she was in their faces, loud and clearly self promoting. While the rest of us were patiently waiting to be noticed.

I realize now that no one will know you want something unless you ask for it.

Back then I thought that selp promotion looked desperate and sleazy. Back then I believed my work spoke for itself- if I worked hard and produced results, of course they would move me up the ladder.

So I worked and slaved and put in the extras but waited patiently for my turn.

I hoped and waited that the big wigs would notice how deserving I was. But that day never came. I lost opportunities because I did not speak up.

I have since acquired skills for authentic self promotion that are natural and in alignment with the being I am. Whether you have a traditional job or are your own boss, these tips will help advance your career.


Determine what your fear of self-promotion is masking

Your fear of self-promotion is masking something deeper. It might be a fear of failure, or success, not being good enough, or judgement. You are not fearful of the self promotion in and of itself, you’re worried that if you promote yourself and it doesn’t go well it will prove that your real fear is true.

What is your underlying fear? If you dig deep you will question the real reason and build what you need to overcome and thrive.

Form a Battleplan

I used to feel like I was asking for a lot; that it was supposed to come naturally. That insecure, unsure voice lowered my self confidence.

Now, I form a clear plan for authentic self promotion. This gives me the confidence that my contribution will make an impact, and allows me to easily explain to my client or the powers that be how I will be an asset.


Make a Difference

Remind yourself that you will be making a difference.

Self-promotion has a shady rep for being egotistical. However, it’s only egotistical if you are focused on what it’ll do for you. Instead, think of how it will help others.

If you move up, land this new job or gig, or are promoted, how will you make a difference to the company, project, or business? Who will be affected for the better?

Focusing on how your hard work will make a difference will take the weight off the focus of you so you feel less egotistical and remind you that what you do helps others- no matter how small the task seems.

Idols are not only for teenagers

Picture how you want to look while promoting yourself. Look for examples of people who promote themselves in ways that fit their personality, and do it with honesty and integrity. Watching videos of your positive role model at work will change your mindset on how to practice authentic self promotion, and boost your own confidence.

Remind yourself no one is paying more attention than you are

In my past, I really thought the bosses were watching every move and noting my accomplishments, counting the days to my promotion.

But I realize that is rarely the case. They have a lot to do- why do you think they need assistants? That’s why it is up to you to remind them of what a rockstar you truly are.

All it takes is getting into the habit of occasionally popping in to their office (or emailing if you work remotely) and saying, “Hey, I just wrapped up the assignment and wanted to let you know we have had spectacular results.” Keep it casual, keep it real, and keep it low key.

Don’t ever be afraid to remind anyone of how valuable you are.

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Images via Unsplash and Pixabay

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