"3 Steps to Overcome Monday Blues..." - Motivation Moment #24

Yesterday I wrote about how each of us should take time out to REST on our weekends like Sunday 😊😊.

Why? Because the next day Monday is often the start of the new week cycle or heading back to the grind. Often known as Manic Monday or Monday Blues.

Are Mondays really that bad?

The truth is that we have "pre-conditioned" ourselves to expect what we expect. It's like waiting for something BAD to happen "just because".

We do that with people as well. We associate something good or bad with people in our lives. The Boss, Mother-in-law or the Lawyer (just to name a few) often gets associated in a certain not so good way.

As a Coach, I often meet people who would even proclaim things about themselves even though they may have never experienced it. That's the negative side of association.

For example, some people may say, "I'm not really good at Business or Marketing myself".

And when you get to the core of things, it's often that they haven't tried it out nor ever failed, they just say it because they have associated business with the fear of failure or a lack of self-confidence or any other self-limiting belief.

It's a pattern I believe we ALL NEED TO BREAK!


What can we do?

Here are 3 Ways to Overcome Negative Association (and Monday Blues)

1. Break the Pattern
We all flow with certain patterns or habits that we are accustomed to. Whether it works for us or not we may still do it. Like smoking for example. Ask any smoker and they will say "I know it's bad for me, but I can't kick my habit". You can break the pattern, by switching and replacing the cause and effect. Smokers quit because there's a bigger reason for quitting that staying. Like second hand smoke or being a role model to your 1 year old.

2. Practice Reframe
It's a simple yet powerful technique. It's taking the negative charge to a statement or meaning of something or someone and changing it to a positive charge. For example: Monday Blues can be changed to Monday Magic. As you search for new Magic on Mondays, you become more aware that there's actually so much good all around.


3. UP your Energy, Stretch your Week
Realize ways to Energize your Day...not just Mondays. Maybe for some, keep Monday light, or start by hitting the Gym to boost your energy, or what I like to do is Eat Clean (I often Juice Up on Mondays). Another trick is to Plan your Week well so that work is stretched across the other weekdays...and not just cramped to be achieved on Mondays.

You can WIN back your Mondays and get ahead for the brand new week.

Try it out and tell me what you happens.

Bring that Magic out of Mondays, maybe even the Terrific out of Tuesdays as well. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


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