"Are You Open To Learn?" - Motivation Moment #22

You and I are blasted with a ton of information every single day. Exactly how much? It remains a mystery. Yet some have researched and have stated that it's about 75GB worth of Data every single day! Source

What??? That's a lot you might say. Yup!

That could be why at the end of every single day, you and I feel really exhausted!

And yet after the day has come and gone, we often wonder while we're almost half-asleep on our beds... "Did we really Learn something new today?"


I don't know about you. But as for me, I make sure I consciously learn a new thing every single day!

Take today...

  • I was at a Full Day Conference in the City and I learned that I could really pack up my day before my batteries are out. I tracked it with my iWatch and I walked 60% more than my normal 10,000 steps a day. ^^

  • I even packed in a meeting with my ICF Coaching Leadership Team for 2 hours, and I intentionally raised up an area of concern between two key leaders in the group. ##

  • I then took my family out for dinner at this amazing Tapas place that was ranked No. 3 out of 4000 plus restaurants in the City, only to realize that the food wasn't that great after all. @@

  • I came home just 30mins ago, and yet I'm determined to get two posts out. This one and another account that I recently started less than a month ago. %%

What a Day!!! I actually learnt more than one thing today... LOL.

  • ^^ I learnt that I can PUSH myself further if I really wanted.

  • ##I learnt that confrontation is hard yet, when done with LOVE, it will be accepted.

  • @@ I learnt that PERCEPTION (people's Taste Buds & Rating) may not be Reality.

  • %% I learnt that if you WANT to get something done, nothing (not even tiredness) can stop me.

What about you? Did you learn anything new today... about yourself or your circumstances?


I can't wait for another day.

Goodnight guys. See you for another exciting day tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


Everyone needs a little push, a little encouragement, a little inspiration ~ every single day.

That's why I created Motivation Moments to help you move forward.

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