"Face the SUN..." - Motivation Moment #18


Are you one who like to face the Sun or avoid the Sun? This is not a trick question.

I know of many lady friends who would Avoid the Sun as they know it can lead to pre-mature aging and wrinkles! LOL.

I on the other hand LOVE the Sun!! To me it's a source of LIFE, a source of ENERGY. Without the Sun, like during Winter time...it can get a little too gloomy for my liking.

What about you?

Helen Keller was born in 1880 and two years later she was stricken by a sickness that left her blind and deaf. Her teacher helped her make such good progress that she was able to communicate and she even managed to Graduate from College.
Throughout the later years, Helen tackled social and political issues, including women's right to vote, fight against war and violence and even birth control.

She became a Powerful Voice that did not know how to just "Walk In The Shadows".

YES, Helen was one person who FACED THE SUN!

What you look at and what you Choose to Face can actually GROW you in life. What you intently ignore may actually be the very thing that could derail you.

It's so much easier to actually cry foul or shout out the injustices in our life. I don't have this skill or opportunity, I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I was not given the chance to do this and that. Oh SHUT UP already!

Helen didn't just sit back and complain that at 2 years old she lost both her ability to see or hear. Yes perhaps she was disappointed or scared. But what became her Calamity became her CATALYST, what became her Challenge became her OPPORTUNITY.

You see, we can ALL claim that we are DISABLED in some ways or other. But I believe we can also ALL claim that we are DIFFERENTLY Abled!!


You and I will have to go through the different periods in our lives before we can have a good Testimony to be able to Share and Encourage Others on.

As Barry Kaufman once said...

"The Way We CHOOSE to See the World... CREATES the World We See".

Helen managed to overcome her adversity of being blind and deaf to become one of the 20th Century's leading humanitarians!

Are you ready to FACE YOUR SUN?
Over to you.

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


Everyone needs a little push, a little encouragement, a little inspiration ~ every single day.

That's why I created Motivation Moments to help you move forward.

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