Positive Thinking - How it is Perceived

Positive Thinking, this is the word we keep hearing about all the time. People say think positive and everything will be fine. So is it that just thinking positive will change our life?

Positive Thinking is good and required but just thinking positive without taking any action is like dooming oneself further. Eventually what happens is frustration builds up and you fall further from where you were.

Just thinking positive is like not confronting the issue and want to superficially cover up. Thoughts do play an important role in shaping up our lives, but along with thoughts certain actions are also required to make things happen as per our desire. When we start moving towards the positive thinking part the first and foremost important is to accept the negative part of you and confront it, only that can help you sail through.

Certain things will happen at the right time in life, so if one is thinking positive for some result to come through or something to happen, will not make the result come through the way it is desired. Positive thinking is about the whole attitude that even if I fail, I am going to accept it graciously.

A lot of people take this word Positive Thinking very loosely without understanding what it actually desires for. The thought is that If I keep positive thoughts only good things will happen. But it is not like that. Things may or may not work in our favor, sometimes after being positive also right things do not happen and then we feel, that this whole positive thinking funda is gibberish and that's where again the negative starts seeping in and thoughts like good things never happen to me starts creeping in.


Positive Thinking is just not about being Happy or Feeling Good all the time with Good thoughts. It is about the whole attitude that we carry. A Person who genuinely is in a state of Positive Thinking will also see good when things don't work out as per the expectations. Negative emotions are triggered by our brain when there is a danger or unpleasantness and it is good. Otherwise it will be like I am in the jungle and a lion is in front of me and I will think I am a positive person and the lion will do no harm to me. When the Negative emotion is triggered we will take the right action to save ourselves from the lion and not be eaten up.

Life gives up different experiences to learn and grow, so the attitude we carry around with us matters the most. A positive person will not get impacted with failures but will stand up and march further till the goal is achieved. A positive person will hold a similar behavior in all circumstances and will not change with the circumstances. A positive person will be with good emotions and thoughts both in Good and Bad circumstances. For a positive person thoughts and emotions will be at par, there will be no internal fight where mind is thinking something else and the emotion flowing out is something else.

The only way to change the attitude to being a Positive person is to stop playing the role of a Victim and taking full responsibility of one's life.

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GIF Courtesy @enginewitty 😍😍

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