Coffee Time Meditation #2 -- Aug. 27th

“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward” — Vernon Law

Thoughts on Today’s Quote

Life is full of experiences, some good, some bad. They shape who we are and how we respond to life. I don’t know about you, but I’ve yet to learn a lesson from an experience not had.

As I’ve accumulated those experiences during my life, I have at times been able to project what could happen in a situation. When I was young, rarely if ever did I stop think about what my actions were going to produce. It was like something told me I had to just blunder in and learn my lessons.

That teacher just drove me to the experience and let it happen, then I could learn. That’s sort of funny as I was never much of a good student. Most of my school lessons came pretty easy, which bored me.

Thankfully, my lessons never involved hurting others or even myself too severely. I probably hurt some feelings along the way, that would be my tendency to shoot from the hip when I have something to say. Although, over the years, I have learned to invoke more diplomatic language at times.

Sometimes, the experiences we have are not of our making. They are situations which just arise and we need to deal with them. They could be health, injuries or how other people treat us.

I think those are the experiences which really make or break us. What do you think?

Who is Vernon Law?

Vern Law was a pitcher for the Pittsburg Pirates. Born March 12, 1930 in Meridan, Idaho he was raised in the Mormon Church becoming an ordained priest at 17 years of age. He remained active in the church throughout his life earning him the nickname of “Deacon” from his teammates.

Courted by several big league scouts, he was signed by the Pittsburg Pirates in 1948. Several of the scouts arrived at his Mormon family home smoking cigars, which didn’t put them in a very good light. His mother was a big fan of Bing Crosby, a part owner of the Pirates, who called the house while the scout was there. Crosby later told Law that one of the tactics the Pirates used to get him signed was buying a box of cigars and passing them out to the other scouts.

Law played two seasons in the minors before debuting with the Pirates in 1950. He helped them win the 1960 World Series against the New York Yankees, pitching two of their winning games. He won the Cy Young Award.

Sidelined by an off field injury in 1960 he was off for several seasons, returning in 1965. He won the NL Comeback Player of the year in 1965 as well as the Lou Gehrig Memorial Award for his contributions off and on the field.

He retired in 1967 to Provo, Utah where he coached high school ball until he retired at the age of 78. He continued to be active in the priesthood of the Mormon Church and enjoyed playing golf regularly.

*I will try to find information on the author of the quotes I share. I wont always be successful.

Don’t know about you, but I find it interesting to know who the person was that anyone took the time to record or quote that person.*

About Coffee Time Meditation

I love being inspired by other people’s quotes. I thought I’d start sharing some quotes that inspire me along with my own thoughts the quote evokes within me. So, think of someone, like me, sitting quietly with the first fresh coffee of the day and mediating about the words of the quote. That would be me, or it could be you.

I invite you to share your own thoughts on the quote in the comments.

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Have a great day
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