You watch your mouth, buddy!

When I saw this contest today, it didn't take me long at all to decide which movie to choose.

Thelma and Louise

I loved this movie so much. As I've written about many times before, I go into most movies with very little idea what the movie is about. I avoid trailers and very much prefer to go in cold. It's movies like this that really make that strategy pay off.

I had no idea what I was in for on this one, but I really enjoyed this one. I love a story about women doing their own thing, taking charge of things, and standing up to men. The mere existence of the Bechdel-Wallace test is reason enough to believe we don't get enough movies like this one.

The film passes the Bechdel-Wallace Test easily if you ask me. Thelma and Louise talk throughout the film about a lot of other things than talking about a man. Granted, much of the talk is about several different men - I can think of four - but there is more to it than that, and even some of the talk about the men is in a different context than the spirit of that part of the test.

Anyway, I think it passes easily. It also passes the Mako Mori Test

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