Technology as a Tool for Change ~ Reflections on How Times Change

Whilst not old I am neither young.

Let me just say that my bloom is surely on the wane and when I glance around me I am impressed by the bountiful bevy of beautiful youngsters committed to living mindfully and working towards a better world for all.

Daily I read of digital nomads and folks utilising technology to step outside of the system and live life on their own terms. Oftentimes working towards a more equitable society.

This got me thinking.


When I was a young woman in my twenties I used to thrash and froth desperate to champion change - eager to combat the injustices I saw all around me.

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This was in the mid to late 1980’s when, as a Graphic Designer working in Covent Garden London, I was rubbing shoulders daily with Thatcher’s vacuous children who, in the day, were dubbed “Yuppies”.

Yuppies were a somewhat vain breed of upwardly mobile young adults motivated by image and possessions and, although not naturally of them, I assimilated well.

Although always slightly out of step with my peers I was, in my circle, indulged as the oddity with a conscience who spoke too often of unsavoury doings.

Soon, however, I learnt to simply keep stumm.

The 1980’s were boom years in London but were technologically barren.

I used to work for an award winning design agency, Brewer Jones, where until as late as 1989 everything was still being produced by hand with the assistance of the PMT machine, (that’s photo mechanical transfer folks), and outside typesetters.

All designs were hand rendered with Pantone markers and Rotring pens for client approval before being handed over to artworkers who manually slaved over their drafting boards, wielding a scalpel, can of spray mount and unruly scrolls of typesetting, charged with producing camera-ready artwork for the printer.

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It wasn’t until I became self-employed in 1989 that each designer, in my old company, was bought an Apple Mac to work with. I waited a further 10 years before I bought one for myself and distinctly remember the clunky dialup tone which connected me to the internet where I was billed per minute of usage!

And then there were mobile phones:

And Aids.


Technology and its ease of availability to a far wider range of people facilitates freedom.

It allows us to disseminate information rapidly and counter the narrative of The State.

It affords the average (wo)man a voice and allows for creative solutions to problems in ways that were unimaginable only decades ago.

Through the intelligent use of technology savvy souls can doodle their own map for a lifestyle outside of convention.

We are living in exciting times.

Things are evolving and corrupt, outdated systems are being threatened and it is technology which is allowing for the rapidity of change.

There is a mass awakening underway and a positive shift is gathering momentum.

And, I am happy to still have significant years ahead of me to enjoy this revolution which is being driven by younger folks who are building upon the invention and ideas of previous generations.

Regardless of creed/age/gender, we are one.

Let’s do this – together!

With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)




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