The Old Steemians Home: The Video (Narrated by @snook)



     About two months ago(it's only been that long?) I had the inspiration to write a little tribute to the friends I had made during my brief time here on Steemit. That tribute was posted as The Old Steemians Home. For a behind the scenes look at the making of The Old Steemians Home and some of the writers who have taken it to the next level, read Freewrites, Friendship, And The Old Steemians Home!

     But, enough about me. This post is really about @simgirl and @snook and their fun show on MSPWaves Radio called, “Sim Your Life”. It airs every Tuesday. The details for the next episode can be found here: Sim Your Life- 2-20-18 MSPWaves Radio Show Promotion Sim Your Life- Building Your Skills. For those who cannot listen live, @snook posts the episodes on her blog. The latest show can be heard here: Sim Your Life ~ Episode 4.

     I'm a big fan and would do whatever I could to support Sim Your Life. So, when @snook asked if she could read one of my stories on the show, needless to say I was honored. She asked me to pick the story, and The Old Steemians Home immediately came to mind. It made too much sense.

     When I joined Steemit, my creative outlet was video producing and editing. So, my earlier writing tended to be more script-like. I was worried about how this story would translate in audio form. So @snook, being ever so practical, said something like, "Well then, make a movie, silly." So, the video below is the result. Thanks @snook!

Be sure to tune in this Tuesday to hear this played live on Sim Your Life!




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