Freewrites, Friendship, And The Old Steemians Home!

"Wond'rous apparition provided by magician.
Doo, doo, doo, Lookin' out my back door."

~ Lookin' Out My Back Door


     The awesome and benevolent @MarianneWest asked some of us to give our take on the many steemhouse stories that have emerged over the past 4 weeks. What inspired us to write them? As the person somewhat😒 responsible for starting these shenanigans, this is a heavy responsibility. Before I talk about Steem House I must first explain the impetus for me joining in on the #freewrite fun in the first place.

     IT'S ALL @BRISBY'S FAULT! For those who don't already know, she and I have known each other for years. In fact(I don't think she'll mind me saying this) I introduced her to Steemit. In turn, she started telling me about this freewrite group she discovered.

     Freewrite? Sounds shady, I thought. My protective mode kicked in. After all, I brought her into this world, I couldn't let her fall victim to some cult. At least not so soon. And not to one I didn't start.

     So, I started reading some of these freewrites. What I discovered were some of the most disturbed, twisted minds I've ever seen. But, I saw something else. I saw people with good hearts. I saw people who supported each other. People who cared for each other. It felt like home.

     So, of course, after immersing myself in some freewrites I started to become a little twisted myself. One day @brisby(see a pattern here?) and I were exchanging comments and it made me think of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Jerry are in a bakery:


You know? I often wonder what you'll be like when you're senile.


I'm actually looking forward to it.


Yeah. I think it'll be a smooth transition for you.

     Then I started to think about @brisby and myself living in an old folks home, completely senile. What would we be like? Then I started to think of each of the friends that I've made in my short time freewriting. The more I imagined this home, the more I realized this had to be written and shared. What better way to show my appreciation for people who have supported me and have been my friend despite never meeting me? Thus, The Old Steemians Home was born.

     And then you responded. I mean I figured people would get a kick out of it. But, I was truly flattered and blown away when people started to write steemhouse posts of their own. It's such an amazing family, it's hard not to join the fun...



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      What a great name for a cat, I thought, the first time I saw the name snook. So, the first time I used snook in a story, was when my cat, Evie, needed an advisor. Snook is so much more than a great name for a cat, though. She's a wonderfully creative, friendly, and caring person. Not only that, she is also the architect of our literal home. One she created in Sims4. She has also made us up into Sims characters. The amount of work she's done is truly amazing. If you like to smile you really need to check her blog out.

Flash! Day 66 #freewrite by snook
Netflix: Episode 12, The Old Steemians Home: The Waiting by snook
THE House by snook
#Steemhouse~ 2nd installment~Sims 4 by snook
The Old Steemians Home: Omra's Tale (Part 2?) by snook




     This family is global. Meet my Italian friend, F3nix. He's a master illusionist, painting masterpieces that have made me laugh, cringe, think, and genuinely terrified. His story below, Just A Pillow, brilliantly expanded this universe in a way only he could. I highly recommend you check his blog out!

Just a pillow - Solo un cuscino [ENG/ITA Freewrite - An Old Steemians House Production] by f3nix
Children's Games - Giochi da Bambini [ENG-ITA] by f3nix
Friendship - Amicizia [ENG-ITA Freewrite, day 87] by f3nix
Stranded on the sofa like whales - Spiaggiati sul divano come cetacei [ENG-ITA Freewrite day 88] by f3nix



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     My dear friend, brisby, also fell into my tra- I mean, she also participates in the fun. She's added some much needed suspense, mystery, and horror to our House in a way that only she can deliver. She's also responsible for introducing a new edition to our property...though I wouldn't go in there, if I were you. Check out her blog, if you dare.

An Old Steemians Home Christmas Eve by brisby
The Shed - An Old Steemians Home Story by brisby
That Night in the Shed - Freewrite (Day 88) by brisby



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     Simgirl has another creative blog. Among other things, she does posts teaching people how to play the Sims. In fact, she's responsible for creating the Sims monster, Snookzilla. The architect of our homes. Simgirl has also produced our very first theme song featuring yours truly on vocals. I encourage you to check out her blog.

The Steemians Home- The Fish Song @simgirl by simgirl



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     As flattering and fun to read as all of these stories have been, I found whatisnew's contribution to be truly touching. It exposes the power we have as writers and, more importantly, as a community. It's also renewed my commitment to this world we are all building together. Plus, she's our resident cat. And every good home needs a pet. You can check out her blog here.

Day 77: 5 Minute Freewrite/Story- The Steemian Home- The Library by whatisnew



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     Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned in our Steem Home. Okay, things rarely go as planned. And when the shit hits the fan, you want someone around who can lead a charge. You want someone around who's been through it all. That's deaconlee, our Home's General Captain. The technological aspects of his writing blow me away and I was glad to see him get involved. I understand there's more to come. Definitely check out his blog.

Day 80: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Awakening by deaconlee



     There is plenty more to come. I would encourage anyone and everyone to participate in the fun. Simply use the tag #steemhome. We have plenty of room at Steem Home.

The Old Steemians Home by omra-sky
Steem House: Omra's Tale (Part 1) by omra-sky
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