The Old Dog Presents: The Mundane as art Round 6 Winners! The Theme Was Grass! Bonus Prizes!

Better late than never! I hope that you agree as I am about a week late getting this one up!

This Time We're Awarding 20.5 Steem or About $150.00

I've selected 21 winners in total. The top four will get 3 Steem each and then 17 other submissions will receive .50 Steem each! You've made this contest a success so let's share in the rewards!

Here's a Reminder of The Galleries That You've Already Helped Create!

  1. Art Exhibit of Manhole Covers!
  2. Your Photographs of Streets!
  3. Damaged Asphalt Gallery
  4. Tree Bark Virtual Gallery
  5. Stones

About The Round 6 Virtual Gallery

There are a couple of new things in this gallery and a bonus blooper!

  • I've recorded the audio with a better microphone but you'll hear some popping! Ooops, time to invest in a pop filter!
  • I only managed to get 15 pieces into the gallery instead of the 20 that I wanted.
  • Here's the blooper: I put one submission in twice by mistake! Is this Old Dog related to Goofy? Maybe!

So, Where is The Gallery?

You can go here and navigate around the gallery at your own leisure or just take a look at my guided tour below!

I am so proud of what you've accomplished!

Here Are The 17 That Will Receive .50 Steem Each!

Some of them are shown twice just for fun!

In no particular order: @countrygirl, @carolineschell, @melinda010100, @vee2180, @naydenova, @offgridlife, @chrissysworld, @axeman, @claudiaz, @tattoodjay, @tanata, @pepe.maya, @realmeandi, @photoquest, @everlove, @gillianpearce, @leylar,

Congratulations to all 17 of you! You've helped to create mundane art and have made all of this a lot of fun!

Here Are The Four Chosen to Win 3 Steem Each!

Clockwise from the top left: @pipurilla, @realworldeats, @livelifefullest and @homeartpictures! Congratulations to the four of you. You made great entries and you helped to create another memorable gallery!

Payments will go out in the next 24 hours so watch your wallets and let's all continue to be amazed by the possibility of sending funds with zero cost! The Graphene blockchains are the world's best! Fast, furious and we can scale! Steem, Bitshares and Golos! Wowwwwwww! Feel the power!

What Do You Think?

  • Do you agree that the gallery looks great?
  • Are you looking forward to our next gallery?
  • What other mundane object would you like to see us explore as art? Please let me knwo. You're opinion is very important to me!

I Will be Releasing Our Rust Gallery in a Few Days so Watch For it!

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "The Mundane as art Round 6 Winners! The Theme Was Grass! Bonus Prizes!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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