Let Google Translate Sing and Rap the lyrics I wrote! My Entry of Music Challenge #2 – Lyric Challenge

Do you know Google Translate can also sing and rap? I tried one song sung by Google Translate and wish you enjoy it!

Last week @kona hosted and Music Challenge – Lyric Contest. It’s a very interesting contest for me and I spent a few days to compose the lyric of the appointed song!
(For details of the contest, please check: @kona/music-challenge-2-lyric-contest-2)

你知道Google翻譯也可以唱歌和rap嗎?我製作了一首由Google Translate主唱的歌,希望你們喜歡!

上星期 @kona 舉辦了音樂挑戰 – 歌詞創作,對我來說這挑戰十分有趣,故我特意花了數天時間寫了歌詞!

Here is the appointed song by @kona:

以下是 @kona 指定的歌:

Actually it’s a very famous Chinese song “漂向北方 Stranger In The North” and here is the original song:


Although the song is written in Chinese, I tried to compose the lyric in my mother tongue language Cantonese. Chinese is one of the most difficult language in the world and Cantonese is one of the most difficult language among all Chinese language. It’s really hard to write the lyric but I did it!

As I am not good at singing, I try to ask Google Translate to sing for me! First of all, I go to the website Sound of Text: https://soundoftext.com/

Then you just type the text, choose the language and submit. The voice of Google Translate can be downloaded as mp3!


由於我的歌唱能力有如胖虎,所以我決定邀請Google翻譯幫我唱這首歌。首先,我到了 https://soundoftext.com/

我將歌詞打進去,選擇粵語,一段段Google 翻譯的粵音語音就可下載成mp3了!

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After that, I go to adobe audition and insert the voice of Google Translate into the song. Then I adjust the time and pitch of the lyric each word by each word. I really want to die when I do this process…..

然後,我去adobe audotion將一段段語音放進歌裡,但這時我要逐個字調節速度及音高……這個過程真的是想死….

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I need to adjust the time and pitch of the vocal words by words!

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And the final project is full of markers….

And finally it’s done!

Here is the song and I wish you enjoy! I have attached the lyrics below and add the translation in English. I wish all of you like Cantonese song!


The Lyric:

Let me live again
No one can avoid laking mistake
我以挫敗成長出 最美的花朵
I grow up my most beautiful flower by defeat

Who like mistake
Just to live myself
這個結局亦足我 犯下那些過
It worth making these mistakes with this ending

那一朝 的我拋開 一切走出 家裡走到天陰
This morning I get rid of everything
那一剎 彷彿終於走出苦惱 不快洗去不甘
This moment I seems get out from distressed, sadness and unwilling
沿途痛快獨個行 別了困壓別了鋼琴
I walk with joy. I say bye to stress and piano
那些 瘋癲指責 爸媽逼壓 我不會再忍
I will not stand for the blame from Dad and Mum anymore

手中那可卡因 已給他找到天真
The cocaine in my hand let me find my naive
冇家既不安感 都已散失於每一下刺針
The insecurity of no home is all gone by the injection
抬頭看向月晚 沉淪快慰吶喊
I look up to the moon and fall in deep degradation
At this moment, a police car drive to me

走進了監倉 每天三餸不再飲湯
In the jail, I only have simple food and no soup
睜眼到天光 也只可孤單的去躺
Eye open until sunrise, I can only keep lying on bed
牢房既囚禁 亂棍 讓我忘了恨
The imprison and let me forget what hate is
為何要犯錯 受挫 求你別再問
Why did I make mistakes? Please don’t ask

再見了母親 見佢手執湯與湯羹
I see my mother again after jail. She is giving me a bowl of soup
兩鬢髮蒼蒼 狠狠刺透我的深心
I see her white hair. It breaks my heart
尋求既憐愛 被愛 原來是那麼近
And I find that the real love I am looking for is so close to me


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