🎉Music Challenge 🎹#2 Lyric Contest! 🎸🥁🎻🎤音樂挑戰 🎹#2「歌詞創作」!🎊

#1 ELECSYNTHE is finished, the winner is here!
#1 歌曲合成製作活動己經結束,得奬者如下:

The rolling pattern at the beginning is awesome. Need to pay attention on the strong beat! Looking forward to your next entry! Go to listen his track here!

Use many different drum pattern in a track, very attractive. Remember the drum is the basic , need to keep at the whole song. Good job! Go to listen his track here!

Thank you for writing a post to introduce how to use soundtrap. The bass pattern is very suitable. The song use Cminor at the beginning, Cmajor in the middle, and then Cminor again. Try to fit the middle part at next time! Go to listen his track here!

We use 10+0.8SBD at this time, 0.124SBD will be c/f to the next contest.

Congratulations to the above participants, they will get 3.6SBD!

Thank you for the sponsors @aaronli (20SBD), @guyverckw (20SBD).
The SBD will used for 4 issues.

謝謝兩位贊助者,分別是 @aaronli (20SBD), 及 @guyverckw (20SBD)。


The advertising message of the sponsor:

@aaronli - Enjoy Steemit. Enjoy Music. Let's live as one by music!

#2 Lyric Contest Begins Now!
#2 歌詞創作 現在開始!

【Date 日期:】

The challenge will start from now and the deadline of entries is 18:00 UTC 14/11/2017.
這個活動現在開始,到18:00 UTC 14/11/2017截止。

【Rules 詳情:】

1.Insert the lyric into the following song. 請把歌詞加入下面的歌曲。

2.Write down the lyric at your post and post your link at the comment of this post.

3.Please use a tag #musicchallenge, no need to be the first tag.
請使用 #musicchallenge 標籤,並不需要是首個標籤。

The song is here 這裡是指定的歌曲:

【Prize 奬品:】

Every participant will share the sum of 10SBD and the SBD reward of this post equally. 每位參加者都會得到奬金,10SBD加上此篇章的SBD收益後會平均分配。

【Tips 溫馨小提示:】

You are feel free to do any performance!

If you are interesting, please go to view the past tutorial post:

Come to join now! 快來參加吧!

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