"Hot Out Of The Oven" - 3 Part Harmony ORIGINAL MUSIC - Gnash Song Challenge #9

Steemit collaboration: music by @carlgnash | lyrics by @diebitch

1/2 the SBD payout from this post will be shared with @diebitch

Hot Out Of The Oven


This song not about buns you eat
But the ones above your two feet

This song not about buns you eat
But the ones above your two feet

So If you like them sticky and hot
Guess the ones that I've got

[Hot out of the Oven
I'd like me a dozen] x2

Come and have them fresh and round
Coz once gone they can't be found

Come and have them fresh and round
Coz once gone they can't be found

[Hot out of the Oven
I'd like me a dozen] x2

Previous Gnash Song Challenge Entries:

#1 - "Analyze My Function" w/@vachemorte


#2 - "Within Wing's Wind" w/@yahialababidi


#3 - "Big Brown Toad" w/@amberyooper


#4 - "Ode to my Crawdad" w/@dillemma


#5 - "Funk Your Feet" w/@limabeing


#6 - "To Leave a Dying World" w/@calluna


#7 - "Too Many Selfies" w/@geekgirl

#8 - "Chimichangas" w/@doctorcrypto

Visit the Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 post to see the lyrics/song titles/song prompts submitted by the rest of the Episode 1 official entrants. I am going to make a song for every commenter who provided song lyrics, a song title or song prompt before the submissions were closed. Episode 1 will have 14 songs when all is sung and done! In no particular order, the remaining awesome participants in the Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 are:


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