Consuming Heavy Metal

Again I am confused. Should I consume heavy metals or not @tcpolymath?

I've been told that Iron Ensiferum is good for humans. Not bad. And I think it's pretty heavy. So consuming heavy metal is, well for some it is a necessity. For those who haven't got it. Enough. Pregnant women for instance.

And then there's this other thing. Being born with extremely heavy metal.

Finland has the most heavy metal bands in the world per capita

53.2 bands per 100,000 people. Sources: scroll all the way down.

It is virtually impossible to live in Finland and not consume heavy metal, if not daily but at least weekly. Somewhere, somehow you hear it. A heavy metallist walks by. You know heavy metallers. Or you are One.Apocalyptica

This weekend Tampere has music festival dedicated to metal. Sauna Open Air. Except that it isn't called Sauna Open Air. It's called South Park. It is in Eteläpuisto, which is South Park in English. So now South Park is very metally.

Sauna Open Air is in July. Except that It isn't called Sauna Open Air. It's called Sauna Classic. And it's here in Tampere, In Eteläpuisto = South Park. And it is dedicated to metal music.

Very confusing. Or then again not at all.

It is impossible to avoid consuming heavy metal. It is literally In Your Face. Children Of Bodom Everywhere. All the time.

One day I only wanted to watch YouTube and Dory speaking whale in Finding Nemo Nightwish because it's so darn funny! ...and there it is again. Metal. Because of my search settings or algorithms or... I don't know, Finnishness. Because YouTube assumes that as I live in Finland, I must bee searching for heavy metal. Always. So now I understand that it's no use to CryNorther after neutral searches. It exists no more.

I think I Have A Right Sonata Arctica to have an objective search result. Without assumptions. But it's Nothing NewHanoi Rocks that someone or something else in the world tries to tell me what I want to know. It's annoying.

The connection with Finns and heavy metal is Unbreakable. Stratovarius In the Land Of Snow And Sorrow,Wintersun where even summers are ironically said to be short and only a little snowy, where people really small talk so small that it is nonexistent, where people Stand Up And FightTurisas not until things are going really bad, we are born with heavy minds and in order to survive it, for awhile at least, metal in our blood.

Just think for a moment about these common Finnish sentences:
"Leave me Alone"Amorphis
"Excuse Me While I Kill Myself."Sentenced
"Don't bother to bury me. It'll be too much trouble."

Is it the heavy metal that causes this blackness in our hearts and minds, or is it here to strengthen us? Helping us survive. So should I consume heavy metals or not?

Let's end this tale. Tale of terrors. Tale of Finnishm. Tale of heavy metal and consuming it. This song is one of my favorites. The one that I always return to. It gives me hope, energy, power, determination, a bit of perkele and lots of sisu.

Dreamtale - Powerplay

More info about heavy metal consumerism in Finland: 1, 2, 3 & 4.

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