60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007

Well into the 21st century now and still all sorts of cool stuff for me (and hopefully you) to enjoy.


We finished last time on a movie from 2001, and we’ll pick up again with another movie from the same year. Donnie Darko came out with the Gary Jules version of Mad World on the soundtrack. Both the movie and the song are well worth checking out.

2002 - The musical Chicago was launched on Broadway in 1975. It’s one of my favourite musicals, and my favourite song from it is All That Jazz. But I’ve chosen the 2002 movie version with the amazing, gorgeous, sublime Catherine Zeta Jones.

Also from 2002 - Timo Maas – To Get Down. This is technically Electronica, which is not one of my best liked genres. But this song proves that even electronica can be funky, so I can include it.

2003 – Absolutely gotta have Outkast - Hey Ya! It joins some of my previous picks in the Top 10 (or so) funkiest of all time.

2003 continued – But I also really like the Dandy Warhols – You Were the Last High.

2004 - Keith Urban – NZ born, Australian raised, husband to Nicole Kidman, country star. I knew of him but had never seen or heard him till he became a judge on American Idol. I thought he was adorable personally, but didn’t know I liked his music till he played Little Bit of Everything live. After that I went back and found a whole bunch of stuff I liked including Making Memories of Us from 2004. So here’s my country offering.

2005 – Coldplay – Fix You. I heard this for the first time on So You Think You Can Dance. When a song comes with a dance on first hearing, it adds a new dimension right from the start. This is a sing at the top of your lungs (ok, my lungs) kinda song.

2006 – Ok, this is a bit of a cheat. Yeah, like I haven’t cheated already… The movie Stranger Than Fiction, with Will Ferrell not being funny. Though some people seem to think he’s not funny anyway… In one scene he sings part of Whole Wide World by Wreckless Eric. Then as Maggie Gyllenhaal… can’t say more, it would be a spoiler and even if you hate him usually, this film is great… the original starts playing in the background. I was excited to discover it was by Wreckless Eric, cos I already had a couple of songs by him in my playlist. So even though it came out in 1977, this is where it’s going in.

Also from 2006, also from a movie, but one I got bored with and never finished watching, so I can’t even be bothered googling to see what it was called, but I really like the song - Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova.

2007 - The Veronicas – Untouched. When you’re nearly 50, can you still find a new song that you have to boogy to? Hell, yes! I also love This Love by them.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully listening and enjoying at least some of them.

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Some of my previous posts about music: Benefits of joining a community choir ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~ ~ Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1995 to 2001

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