How to create a Song(2)try it~如何作曲(二)?試試看

Last time, we begin to create a song with a simple pattern. Today I introduce some style of music to you, then you will have more ideas to compose your own song. In this series, I don't want to describe too many theories, I use a interesting way to show you as the followings:



First, open the soundation audio. 首先請打開 soundation audio
China style 中國曲風

In China music style, we use all the black notes on the keyboard. You will find a china feel melody. Listen and try!


Japan style 日本曲風

In Japan music style, if we stand for "c tone" for "do", we use the melody that skip the "re" and "so" notes. That means we play in the above picture, we skip the alphabet "S" and "G". A little hints, hold the notes longer, because for the ancient japan style, the tempo is slow.


Russian Style 俄國曲風
We always say the Russian style is like a slave style because of their history, we play the minor tone and use a strong accent at the last beat. That will be the Russian or slave style.

There are many styles in the music, one song is presented by different centuries style, go to listen the followings:

I find that music also is a great part of steemit as drawing and writing, I hope the music part will be develop faster and stronger. I will try my best to introduce many interest methods to compose songs in the coming chapters. These are two useful tools for you to compose a song. Dsound and soundation audio, come to try now!

我發覺在STEEMIT上除了繪畫及寫作,音樂也是重要的一環。我希望音樂的部分能夠加快發展,我會在之後的篇章介紹更多有趣的作曲方法。下面這兩個是推介好用的作曲連結Dsound and soundation audio,馬上來試試吧!

If you are interesting in compose your song, please go to check Chapter 1
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